Friday, July 9, 2010


STOP PRESS: a Nimby calls for a "rational debate" about the wind turbines. Well, that's a first!! Although, of course, what the said nookie (in a letter to the Evesham Journal) neglects to mention, obvious though it is, is that he has no intention whatsoever of engaging in a rational debate. He's made up his mind, and that's that. Supporters of the proposed windfarm would have loved a "rational debate" about this issue at any time during the last 18 months. But the headcases of VVASP ensured that such a thing was absolutely impossible.

Besides, how can you have a "rational debate" with proven liars?

Anyway, VVASP told the local press that over 200 people attended the two recent rallies they held at Church Lench Village Hall. That's an impressive number, really - especially when you consider that only forty bothered to turn up at the first of the two meetings.

Forty?? That's pathetic!! And do we really believe that, after such a hopeless showing at the Saturday morning session, a minimum of 161 people actually made it to the Monday evening session? Okay, so most people wouldn't make an effort to attend any meeting attended by the charmless new Tory MP for Redditch, but all the same - did they all leave it till the last minute before putting in an appearance? Or is the dubious figure of "over 200" yet another example of VVASP bending the truth to suit its purposes?

All we can say is - Wychavon DC had better get ready to scrutinise the letters of objection they receive from the Chief Nookie in a week or two, because everything he and his cohorts have said so far has turned out to be untrue, and it's beginning to look like the nasty nimby brigade simply don't have the support they like to think they do.

Rumours of a rebellion in Norton and Lenchwick last night would only seem to confirm this. Details are still coming in, but it would appear that a fair crowd turned up for the public session prior to the parish council meeting. The date of the meeting had been shifted, seemingly because Norton & Lenchwick Parish Council was expecting a big turn out of red-faced nimbies. What they got, though, was a modest crowd of local windfarm supporters, outnumbering the nimbies present by at least 7-1.

Reports suggest that the parish councillors were rather shocked by all this. Having convinced themselves (very VVASP, this) that there was only one point-of-view in the area, they were suddenly faced by a restive group who were not only solidly in favour of the windfarm but also clearly angry at the failings of the parish council to carry out its public duties properly in this matter.

By all accounts, the representative of the risible "Windfarm Working Party" started out by fudging. He was asked if he'd ever visited a windfarm. He said he had. About three years ago. In Scotland. He was unable, or not at liberty, to say where exactly.

Apparently, it was abundantly clear that this man had spent too long cossetted with VVASP and is therefore prone to making bald statements which cannot be backed up. Nobody present believed for one moment that he's ever been anywhere near a windfarm. And then he claimed to be completely impartial while repeatedly saying things like "we're up against Scottish Power" and "we don't want it in our back yard"!

So - a victory for the forces of common sense and decency, and consternation for the evil-minded, utterly mendacious, nasty nimbies!!! This might just be the beginnings of the long overdue backlash against the self-interested, self-important myth-mongers and troublemakers of VVASP. Let's hope so - and let's hope that district and county councillors are beginning to take note, not only of the dishonest nature of so many VVASP utterances, but also of the fact that they been lying consistently about the level of their support in the immediate area. In fact, let's be clear - they've been lying about EVERYTHING! And they continue to do so.

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