Monday, July 5, 2010


First of all ... HOORAY!!!! This is the Wind of Change blog post number 150!! Quite a milestone, eh?

Secondly, ooh what a lot of news and information has been coming in from our various correspondents! Mostly concerning the completely bogus "Windfarm Working Party".

What's the "Windfarm Working Party"? It's actually VVASP, operating via its puppet, Church Lench Parish Council. It is also a very cynical means of taking public money and spending it on VVASP business while making sure that all six parish councils in the area are completely brainwashed by VVASP's moronic propaganda. You see, there's plenty of individual wealth attached around VVASP but none of it is willing to cough up for its lunatic cause - so they prefer to wheedle money out of the public purse to misuse on their selfish, belligerent and ignorant campaign.

One of our more regular correspondents wrote to the clerk of his local parish council (Norton and Lenchwick) a week or two ago, listing his reasons why, in his opinion, it would be wholly inappropriate for Norton and Lenchwick Parish Council to comment adversely on the Lenchwick Windfarm planning application.

The reply he eventually got came from the solicitor working for the Windfarm Working Party.

No great surprise, there. Elsewhere, in Harvington, a Freedom of Information request has now been submitted to the clerk of the parish council (who is also clerk to the nefarious Church Lench Parish Council and it's sham of a Working Party), who has so far refused to divulge any real information regarding the workings, funding and activities of the Working Party.

What makes the solicitor's intervention in Norton and Lenchwick interesting is that the parish council minutes from July 2009 state clearly that their £750 contribution to the Windfarm Working Party was to be used solely for investigative purposes and NOT for legal advice.

So the Windfarm Working Party has completely ignored the caveat placed on it by one of its funders.

Even more weird - when Norton and Lenchwick Parish Council reluctantly agreed to ONE payment of £750 to the Working Party (and refused to be tricked into offering a blank cheque), it was accepted that their representative on the Working Party would not be allowed to vote on matters relating to the proposed windfarm. This on the grounds that the said member had an 'interest'.

Now, investigating what windfarms are, so that questions from fellow parish councillors can be answered, isn't having an 'interest', as such. Not the sort that would deprive a councillor of a vote. No - the vote was only withdrawn because it was understood that the parish councillor in question would no longer be impartial.

Which means this: even when it was being set up and funded, it was recognised that the bogus Windfarm Working Party was a biased and prejudiced group working alongside the deranged protesters of VVASP and using public money to aid the stupid anti-windfarm campaign. This was clear and evident at the time, and yet parish councillors still channelled tax-payers' money into this partisan group (any caveats could, as we have seen, be totally ignored).

Clearly, the parish councils thereby compromised themselves by co-funding a group which was dedicated to opposing the windfarm by whatever dubious means available. And if you question this, you are either rudely ignored (Harvington) or treated to a letter from a solicitor (Norton and Lenchwick). In Church Lench they probably kidnap your pets.

Anyway, there can be absolutely no doubt that, thanks to the shameless dishonesty of VVASP and its various little arms (like Church Lench Parish Council, membership of which is dependent on membership of or sympathy with the hoodlums of VVASP), the six parish councils - Church Lench, Harvington, Norton and Lenchwick, Flabury, Bishampton and Hill and Moor - have been corrupted, and any representation they make to the District Council can and must be ignored as utterly prejudiced.


Meanwhile - news from Fintry. A week or two ago, one of the aged weirdos of VVASP wrote to the local paper, claiming to have been in touch with some group or other in Fintry, Stirlingshire (where the community bought a turbine, part of the Earlsburn Windfarm development, in order to enjoy the income), and making strange remarks about the horrendous harm which will inevitably be wreaked by the Lenchwick Turbines (where the community has been led into insanity by a Pied Piper-type figure). Word has reached Wind of Change that Fintry knows nothing about this gibberish spouted by an old fogey of Lench. The good people of Fintry have no idea what group be thinks he's been in touch with and they disagree with the dumb points he tried to make.

Yet another example of nimby dishonesty on the part of VVASP and its cretinous cohorts? Well, come on, really - what do you expect?

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