Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Alerted by a number of posts on Facebook, Wind of Change was very anxious to know what's been going on.

Seems that if you express your support for the proposed Lenchwick Windfarm via the Wychavon website there's a strong chance you will be victimised by those in the Lenches who prefer lies to the truth, crazy scare-stories to scientific fact, and fascist conformity to freedom of speech.

This is what we have come to. Because of the insanity unleashed by a handful of foolish, selfish, oafish people, it is now forbidden for anyone to speak the truth. To do so is to run the risk of being ostracised from your own community - the one you were born into, the one you grew up in - by mindless newcomers to the area.

The lies pile up, while those who voice an opinion based on evidence, experience and common sense are punished for their temerity. How dare they have views of their own?! This is the People's Democratic Republic of Church Lench, where we say whatever Rod Stroud tells us to say, where we believe whatever a bunch of proven liars tells us to believe, and where we oppose everything that's good and fair and decent and right.

This is the kind of sickness being defended and supported by right-wing crazies, Tory MPs and the sycophants in the local media.

Beware, good people. Beware. You are being led like cattle down a dangerous road. There will be no place for non-conformity or individualism where the evil, petty-minded criminals of VVASP wish to take us all. Everyone must shut up and do as they're told. Listen to the lies, believe them, and vomit them back up at every available opportunity.

Those who form their own opinions in this debate, who find out for themselves the truth about windfarms, without relying on our resident liars and headcases, and who stand up for future generations and for their own right to have and to express an opinion - they are the real heroes in this struggle.

The fascist morons of VVASP - those who claim to be a teeny-tiny community under the heel of a massive corporate monster - they are the vicious, irresponsible liars whose breathtaking self-obsession and willingness to lie and lie and lie again has destroyed the community.

They deserve to have a wind farm packed in their back yards.

No - truth be told, they deserve much, much worse than that.

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