Saturday, July 17, 2010


One of the more tasteless remarks overheard in the Lenches recently was an oblique reference to unfortunate events in the North of England. Two men have, in recent months, gone postal with firearms, and both ended up shooting themselves after gunning down a few others. All very tragic.

So what does some Lenches quidnunc suffering from an advanced case of trench brain say? Basically, he wouldn't be surprised if someone went on a mad rampage with a shotgun around Church Lench, given the level of emotions there over the windfarm.

Well, we can all rest assured that that won't happen. Why won't it happen?

1) Our local nimbes are far, far, far too selfish to consider martyrdom. After all, they want the rest of us to pay for their gormless opposition to a Very Good Thing, and they want all of us to suffer for their witless intransigence and refusal to enter the twenty-first century. Their entire campaign is based on nothing but narrow-minded selfishness and a whole pack of lies. So the idea that one of them might actually do something risky over all this is ludicrous. You can be a martyr for their cause if you want, but they never will. Far too self-obsessed.

2) Most of them know that everything they've been saying about the windfarm isn't true. There are a few who've been foolish and simple-minded enough to believe them, but they're too busy gawping like goldfish to grab a firearm. The rest - the real VVASP nutjobs - know that they've been lying to themselves and to everybody else. Does anyone think they really would go mental with a shotgun in defence of what they know to be lies? Doubt it.

Interestingly, though, VVASP are showing signs of reining in their more extravagant claptrap whenever it is pointed out what a gargantuan pile of manure they've been spouting.

Examples - they appear to have altered their claim to be providing "comprehensive" information to the community, largely because Wind of Change pointed out what an outrageous lie they were telling with that whopper ... [*]

And we haven't heard much about the poor woman who had to leave her own home because of the nearby turbines, not since it was pointed out that much of her story didn't really stand up and there were certain pertinent questions relating to her tale that really did need answering ...

And now, we hear that Dr Rod Stroud's claim that Wychavon District Council's planning officers are "biased" has mysteriously disappeared from the offending web page (see last post). How odd - just minutes after his disgraceful allegation was publicised here on Wind of Change!

Fortunately, though, it would seem that Wychavon's head of planning saw the ludicrous claim in all its original pristine glory, as did a few others, both at Wychavon and elsewhere in the area.

Anyway, what we're learning is that VVASP and its egregious Chair don't really have the courage of their convictions. They continue to make stupid and unproven claims about the proposed windfarm, including pretending to have lots of information about health risks (NB: that information doesn't exist - they're just talking about a couple of unscientific reports that have been rubbished by experts), but they're extremely quick to backtrack and to try to cover their traces when their more outrageous remarks are spotted.

So - between telling lies (which they know to be lies) and making bald claims which they swiftly unmake as soon as someome rumbles them, it is perfectly clear that VVASP cannot be trusted.

Still, they're lucky they've got us to point out to them when their entire dodgy campaign begins to look like a national joke. And we think we deserve some credit for that, folks! Don't you?

[*] PS - It has been pointed out to Wind of Change that VVASP are still advertising themselves as providing "comprehensive information" to the local community. So that little lie is still there. Shucks.

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