Thursday, July 1, 2010


First there was Peter Luff, with his not-very-well-thought-out speech in the House of Commons.

Now, there is Karen Lumley, a new girl in parliament who has fiercely refused to research anything to do with VVASP.

Duff's intervention in the VVASP's campaign of foolishness, fatuousness and fraud was interesting. To begin with, he clearly felt that the protesters were out of control and saying some really stupid things (in his words, they were being "overly dramatic"). Then he held a meeting or two with the disgusting nookies. You could tell when these meetings were happening because their ugly placards would appear in huge numbers and in places where they had never been before, and then they'd vanish again, just like that. Wherever the greatest concentration of placards temporarily was, that would be where Duff was expected. And, lo, the "2 km OK" campaign was born, probably as a result of the MP hinting to the weirdos of VVASP that they were only making fools of themselves if they didn't come up with a proper campaign.

We all know that the "2 km" buffer zone is a fig-leaf, a nonsense designed to distract attention from the plain and simple fact that the nimbies don't have a leg to stand on. Because they have never had a reasonable argument to deploy against ScottishPower Renewables' plans, they resorted to bald lies and ridiculous rumours from the outset. Only now are they trying to rein in their brainwashed, ovine followers by saying "Don't write to the council till we've told you what to write!!" (In other words - "Don't say to the council any of those stupid things we've been saying to you, because they're esaily disproved by anyone of more than basic intelligence.")

And VVASP can't tell their swivel-eyed followers what to write until their solicitor - which the local community is paying for, thanks to the con-artists of "Vale Volk Against Ze Turbines" - has told them what to write. And told the neighbouring parish councils what to write. Basically, it's a huge stitch-up, paid for by the tax-payer, and a monumental abuse of local democracy.

Karen Lumley MP is now firmly a part of this mass (self-)deception. It is abundantly clear that, like so many attached to VVASP (and that includes the bogus "Windfarm Working Party", or Church Lench Parish Council as it's better known), Dumley knows sweet F.A. about windfarms. She has, quite simply, not bothered to find out the first thing about them. Totally, blissfully ignorant, both of how magnificent, quiet and thrilling the modern turbines are, and also of how there really isn't any choice in the matter. We convert rapidly to renewables, sustainability and a low carbon economy, or we are seriously DOOMED.

Too subtle, that, for Kazza Dumley. She's been lied to by the practised deceivers of VVASP, and she has jumped on the bandwagon like so many witless others. Dumdum is supporting Duff's very silly "2 km" nonsense. And she's meeting the VVASP drones at a public meeting on the morning of Saturday 3 July.

There are going to be two of these meetings. Presumably, these will be when the liars, frauds, swindlers, charlatans, hypocrites and nutjobs of VVASP wind up the populace - those dim enough to have fallen for their blatant lies - prior to telling them how to fill out an objection for the district council.

The good news is that it won't be too difficult to point out to district councillors how our own tax--payers' money was used, illegitimately and undemocratically, to pay for advice which is manifestly contrary to the interests of the community. This gross misuse of public money also clearly suggests that certain parish councils (Church Lench, and probably Harvington) were completely biased towards the planning application and had no intention whatsoever off considering it, and that the criminals of Church Lench PC basically bullied their surrounding parish councils into following suit.

So, if there's any justice in this world, all representations from the parish councils on this vital issue will be disallowed, since the parish councillors so clearly failed in their duty to be impartial and unbiased towards the planning application.

But Karen Dimwit MP seems incapable of spotting the blatant fraud that is going on all around, and almost certainly takes as cavalier an approach to democracy as the loons and felons of VVASP. Bet Redditch is soooooooooooooo glad it voted her in.

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