Friday, July 16, 2010


Question: what does a nutty nimby group do when it starts losing support locally?

Answer: it tries to get other nutty nimby groups up and down the country to support its ghastly cause.

Harvington had its parish council meeting this week, at which there was a massive display of apathy regarding the windfarm. Or, put it another way, Harvington Parish Council itself is further proof of a particular phenomenon in our area - local busybodies forming gangs to fight against something important, harmless, beneficial, which hardly anybody else has a problem with. Anyone who doubts that Harvington Parish Council is composed almost exclusively of antis just needs to read the latest village newsletter. Anyone who doubts that Harvington residents don't really care a jot about the turbines just needs to look around the village.

So, Harvington shows a distinct lack of interest or concern in the windfarm; Norton and Lenchwick proved at its recent parish council that a substantial number of local residents actually want the windfarm, and outrageous gerrymandering of the result by a handful of nimby weirdos and crooked councillors will be angrily opposed by those whom the councillors pretend to be representing.

Which leaves only three Lench villages to fight the bad fight on Dr Rod Stroud's behalf. And even their meetings don't seem to be getting the antis out in the kind of force that Deluded of Church Lench likes to imagine is opposed to the windfarm plans.

So, what's a nasty nimby to do?

Well, what Dr Stroud is doing is trying to get other nimby groups up and down the country to support him.

Now, this is interesting, because according to the VVASP propaganda, most of our nimby thickos are IN FAVOUR of wind power, but just NOT HERE. So why should they be colluding with other nimby groups? Does the NOT HERE argument extend to EVERYWHERE? Is the man just desperate because he's made a ludicruously selfish stand and now needs to find idiots who will agree with him.

Even worse, though, as the link below shows, Dr Rod Stroud is already accusing our local planning officer of being "biased".

Now, this is the guy who has set out to disrupt and corrupt local democracy by turning all the parish councils nearby into VVASP mouthpieces and by getting tax-payers unhappily to contribute towards the costs of VVASP's dishonest campaign.

This is also the guy who told Her Majesty's Government in a letter of a few years ago that new regulations were not necessary for parish councils because they were perfectly capable of policing themselves. Councillors with vested interests could be kept in their place by the Chair, according to Stroud (himself a former Chair of Church Lench Parish Council and a man who seems believe that the village dances exclusively to his tune). So, rather like the bankers, say, Stroud's argument is that there should be no regulation of groups or organisations who don't want their activities looked at too closely. Which is how we end up with a mess like the one we're in - a single-issue parish council in Church Lench in which bias, prejudice and vested interest are not tackled because the Chair himself is guilty of those failings.

Thanks, Stroud. What a perverse world you wish to foist upon us all.

One in which bias is fine as long as it's Dr Rod Stroud's bias. Whereas Wychavon District Council planning officers are "biased" simply because they don't necessarily agree with Rod Stroud. Rather, they're doing their jobs in a professional manner within the context of our democratic system. The opposite, of course, of what Stroud wants or expects.

Anyway, as well as going round the country, slandering our hard-working council officers and spreading his nonsense to like-minded nimbies, Stroud continues to pass on the idiotic lies, myths, rumours and claptrap with which he has infested the Lenches in recent months.

Click on the link to see the terrible things he's been saying (and to read the naff excuses he wants nimbies everywhere to come up with, just so that he can spend another year or two not seeing a windfarm somewhere in the area - the one about the Lenches lakes and its super-sensitive anglers is spectacularly daft; but then, they are his neighbours).

If you're as outraged about what this man is up to as any sane and rational human being should be, contact Wychavon District Council or your local MP and insist that this sort of out-of-control nimby nonsense has to stop. Now.

After all, for the Chair of VVASP to accuse anybody else (let alone the Wychavon planning officer) of being "biased" is incredible. Talk about pots and kettles!!!

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