Monday, July 12, 2010


Having discovered that Norton and Lenchwick Parish Council has a "Windfarm Working Party" rep who doesn't know the first thing about windfarms (apart from all the guff he's been told by his new mates in VVASP), we turn to Church Lench Parish Council. How windfarm-savvy are they?
Well, the second of our two photos shows what the Chair of Church Lench Parish Council thinks about windfarms when they're not very far from where he lives. And guess what? The same guy is also on the utterly bogus "Windfarm Working Party"!!! Would you Adam and Eve it??
The other photo is his neighbour's property. This guy is also on Church Lench Parish Council. And those placards have been up for months.
Anyone still prepared to believe that Church Lench Parish Council isn't massively biased and totally prejudiced?
In Harvington, meanwhile, the Parish Council (whose clerk is also clerk to Church Lench Parish Council AND the Windfarm Working Party - weird, eh?) has been actively campaigning against the wind turbines - even though less than a third of Harvington residents expressed opposition to the windfarm!!!!! AND that was when the windfarm would have been a lot closer to Harvington village than it is now!! So how many Harvingtonians actually give a damn today? Well, judging by the number of VVASP placards in Harvington ... about two.
So - three parish councils. All absolutely corrupted by the manic liars of Church Lench and pursuing a demented agenda that is broadly against the interests or even desires of their residents.
Proof that nothing these parish councils say in regard to the proposed Lenchwick Windfarm should be taken seriously by anyone with functioning brain cells.

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