Saturday, September 19, 2009


What can you do, eh? The truth is out there. It's already known to millions, and for those who don't know it yet it's not difficult to find out.

And here's the truth:


But, like other nimby groups, VVASP are committed to the Big Lie Principle: tell a lie (preferably a whopper) enough times, and some people will believe you.

Now, thanks to the BBC, we know that there are residents of Atch, Church and Sheriffs Lenches who still believe that windfarms are noisy. They've fallen for that great Big Lie, that windfarms sound like helicopters approaching, or they make a 'whoomp-whoomp' sound.

Ever been anywhere near a windfarm? If you have, you'll know what a load of claptrap the deluded, misled nimbies of Lench are talking.

If you haven't, you might be inclined to believe VVASP. Interestingly, a small number of VVASP extremists did go to visit a windfarm.

They made no recording of their visit. They just came back saying that what they'd discovered was 'alarming'.

Arguably, what was so alarming to them was the discovery that windfarms make no noise. Hence their failure to make a recording.

Instead, their pseudo-scientific leader has found a 'recording', somewhere or other, of what he says is a windfarm, and they play this as loud as they think they'll get away with at any and every available opportunity.

It's the Big Lie all over again. But if you want to know the truth - go visit a windfarm, either in the UK or in continental Europe. You'll be amazed ... at how quiet they are.

Of course, sooner or later everyone is going to be pretty familiar with the minimal noise output of windfarms. It's only while so many people are so ignorant in this matter that recklessly irresponsible nimby groups like VVASP can make their inaccurate and misleading claims.

And if they fail to convince you about the non-existent 'whoomp-whoomp' noise of windfarms, they'll try a more desperate, and more irresponsible, tack. They'll start talking about a made-up kind of noise that acoustic engineers can't measure and most people can't hear.

The only people who can 'hear' this strange, unrecordable noise are those who were convinced by nimbies that they'd hear one.

The liars - sorry, protesters - claim that this difficult-to-pin-down noise is a form of infrasound.

Well, Dr Geoff Leventhall, expert consultant in Noise Vibration and Acoustics, authored a DEFRA report on infrasound. In contrast to the sort of gobbledegook the nimbies rely on for their so-called facts, Dr Leventhall's report was peer-reviewed. And this is the conclusion he reached:

"I can state quite categorically that there is no significant infrasound from current designs of wind turbines. To say that there is an infrasound problem is one of the hares which objectors to windfarms like to run."

In other words, the nimbies LIE about infrasound from wind turbines (Dr Leventhall put it more politely than that, but that is what he was saying).

So - windfarms are not noisy (that's easy to prove: just visit one) and they don't create magical, mystical, let's-pretend kinds of noise.

Why, then, are so many in the Lenches convinced that they do? (VVASP lies, of course!)

And why does BBC Midlands Today insist on airing the views of ignorant, misinformed, deluded nimbies rather than giving us the facts?

How are we ever going to move forwards while noisy nimbies get to tell lies all the time and responsible media outlets refuse to tell the truth???

The simple fact is, WINDFARMS ARE NOT NOISY.

Don't believe me? Go visit one. You'll be pleasantly surprised.

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