Monday, September 7, 2009


One of VVASP's most misleading claims is that they are 'Providing Information' to help the community make an 'Informed Decision' about the prospective Lenchwick Windfarm.

The reality is that every claim they have made about the windfarm simply doesn't stand up to scrutiny. It's either grossly inaccurate, deliberately misrepresented or downright hysterical.

Not bad for a group which claims to be 'Pro Renewables'!

In a rational world, they would be laughed at. But where windfarms are concerned, a lot of people have difficulty being rational. They're frightened of change. And so they're susceptible to misinformation. Even when that misinformation is alarmingly silly and quite obviously false.

Behind the VVASP campaign is a small group of individuals who simply don't want a windfarm near them because it doesn't fit in with their idea of what the countryside was when they bought themselves a house in it.

But in order to justify a stance that is, at best, rather short-sighted and retrogressive, the leaders of VVASP have been forced to drum up support by lying to people about windfarms.

What is so extraordinary is how so many people have let themselves down by choosing to believe VVASP's lunatic rubbish.

And this is where democracy suffers. Because it's one thing to have a vote, or to be able to have your say. It's quite another thing to exercise your vote on an enlightened basis.

If you are in full possession of the facts, then there's a chance that you'll vote intelligently. If, however, you're ignorant of the facts or - worse - you've been conned into believing a load of one-sided nonsense, then yours will be an unintelligent vote.

There can be no true democracy without education, without knowledge and awareness. And the truth is that VVASP exists to deny people knowledge and awareness. They're not remotely interested in helping you to understand the facts. How would that boost their cause?

No, they want you to believe all manner of stupid and ludicrous things about windfarms, because then you'll vote against the national interest, against the public good, against your own good, and against the needs of future generations.

You'll vote in a way that serves those self-serving knuckleheads of VVASP.

Only a day or two ago I heard a guy say, 'I've heard that windfarms don't work.'

What the hell was that statement supposed to mean? That windfarms just stand there doing nothing? That they only work a bit of the time?

Comparatively speaking, windfarms work spectacularly well - and they're improving all the time. The latest are pretty well noiseless. They recoup all their costs within months of going onstream, and then spend the best part of twenty-five years quietly and efficiently producing cheap, clean, green energy.

What kind of maniac believes that they 'don't work'?

Only one who's heard from a VVASP loon or one of their cohorts.

There was that poor deluded man who was told, early on, by people who were supposed to be his friends, that the windfarm would kill all the fish in his fishing lakes.

The people who told him that are shameless liars determined to exploit other people's uncertainties for their own ends. There wasn't an ounce of truth in what they told him, but it worked. He's now a leading figure in the anti-windfarm protest.

Another chap insists that windfarms are noisy. He has close friends whose holiday home is right next door to a windfarm, and other friends who have visited several windfarms in the UK. But he doesn't want to hear from people who actually know how quiet windfarms are. He was suckered by the two-faced weirdos of VVASP. So now he believes in something that is demonstrably, patently untrue.

He fell into VVASP's trap. They're not informing people. They're misinforming people. They don't want you to make an informed decision (because then you'd probably support the windfarm). They want you to make a misinformed decision.

Nimby groups are continually using these shabby tactics to force their dangerously out-of-touch views on the locals. Having whipped up enough muddle-headed opposition, they then harrass local councillors into defying the advice of professional planning officers and turning down windfarm applications.

And the UK continues to drift backwards.

This kind of self-serving, anti-social activity must stop. VVASP are betraying us all for their own petty reasons. Anyone who listens to their lies and makes a decision based on them is making a fool of themselves.

The truth is out there. And the truth is:


Any 'reason' VVASP gives you is based on a lie.

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