Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Can you believe that VVASP once tried to pretend that they are not a protest group? Even though they have the word 'Against' in their name!

In actual fact, the grossly deluded nookie nimbies of VVASP are still trying to pass themselves off as something other than a single-issue anti-windfarm group.

The front page of their website claims that they are 'Pro Renewable Energy'. And how do they demonstrate their passion for renewables? By trying to stop them, that's how.

As a measure of how muddled and downright dishonest they are, their site goes on to claim that they are campaigning for the 'Appropriate Technology in the Appropriate Environment'. So, you see, they're not protesting against anything. Rather, they're campaigning for something. They're campaigning for somebody else to get a windfarm, and not themselves. They're campaigning in favour of renewables by lying their heads off about windfarms constantly. They're pressing for the 'Appropriate Technology' by making up lies about it.

Now, let's be clear. When faced with imminent climate catastrophe, there's no such thing as the 'Appropriate Environment'. There's just the Environment, otherwise known as Where We Live.

To pretend that the Environment is Somewhere Else is plain stupid. It also highlights the extent to which VVASP is lying to itself and to everyone else. The Environment is Here, There and Everywhere. It's not selective. You can't opt out of it. In the face of climate change, Everywhere is the Appropriate Environment.

But the reckless nimbies like to imagine that the Lenches are somehow an Inappropriate Environment for the Renewable Energy that they're so keep to champion.

Okay, let's think about this. 40 per cent of Europe's wind passes over the UK. The prevailing winds are south-westerly. Wind blows up the Severn Vale and then hits - what? A small group of hills called the Lenches.

So, in other words, the Lenches are the ideal place to site a windfarm. It'll be a rare day when the wind isn't blowing at 100-odd metres above the Lenches. It's the perfect place to harness abundant wind energy, a free and endlessly renewable resource.

But in their eagerness to campaign for renewables, the barefaced liars of VVASP want us all to think that the Lenches is entirely the wrong environment for a windfarm.


Because they're selfish, self-centred, arrogant, ignorant and foolish, that's why.

If they really are in favour of renewable energy, they should rejoice at the fact that our area has been chosen as the site for a potential windfarm.

But they're not campaigning FOR renewables, no matter how much they may want to mislead themselves and you.

And that stuff about the 'Appropriate Technology in the Appropriate Environment' is just self-deluded, self-serving poppycock. It's a totally meaningless and deliberately misleading piece of nonsense.

The Environment is the Environment. There aren't two different kinds of the Environment, depending on whether you've got a bit of money or not.

VVASP can lie to themselves, but they can't lie to us. They are a protest group dedicated to fighting against something which the environment desperately needs, something which will do no harm to the local area but will only enhance it.

The Appropriate Technology is clean, green, renewable wind energy. The Appropriate Environment is here.

Don't let VVASP tell you that they're actually campaigning for something. They're just nimbies, pure and simple.

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