Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Does this make sense to you?

Is it rational? Consistent? Intelligible?

How does this completely contradictory stance square with the VVASP mission statement about 'Appropriate Technology' in the 'Appropriate Environment'? Are they saying that the 'Appropriate Environment' is two kilometres away?

Or are they simply campaigning for a completely arbitrary exclusion zone - unworkable, unreasonable and impossible?
Please note: the kind contributor who sent this image to Wind of Change suggested two captions:
1) "I used to be indecisive, but now I'm not so sure."
2) "I used to be schizophrenic, but now I'm in two minds about it."
Do feel free to email us here at Wind of Change with your own captions to go with this image. Can you encapsulate, in a short and pithy phrase, the full silliness of the VVASP position?
Difficult, I know, but worth a try.

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