Thursday, September 24, 2009


That wasn't ...

As the culmination of their determined efforts to disrupt all the public information sessions held this week by ScottishPower Renewables, VVASP organised a grand protest march through Church Lench on Wednesday evening.

They had been preparing for this for some time. Free placards had been distributed (so anyone who paid out a tenner for each placard a few weeks ago - D'oh!)

But come the night - disaster! The BBC didn't turn up. Possibly because they'd realised that this wasn't news, just a cheap stunt.

And if the BBC couldn't be bothered to broadcast it, VVASP couldn't be bothered to do it. Too much discipline required.

So the march was abandoned.

It's possible that some of the more lucid members of the bonkers protest group had realised how silly they would look, stomping up Main Street with their placards like a bunch of yokels brandishing pitchforks and flaming torches.

It's also possible that none of this had been arranged with the police. As the police had already had to deal with VVASP's anti-social behaviour, another clash with Her Majesty's Constabulary might not have looked too good.

Instead, the misguided maniacs descended en masse on Church Lench village hall to hurl abuse at the representatives of ScottishPower Renewables.

Half a dozen people, who were only doing their job, answering questions from the public and providing whatever information they could about Lenchwick Windfarm, found themselves confronted by hostile yobs shrieking at them that they were 'talking shit' and 'talking bollocks'.

Edifying as it was to see large, well-fed residents screaming abuse at young women, we should not imagine that this was a spontaneous outburst of anger. This had been organised. VVASP had been at every public information session, interrupting conversations, telling lies and intimidating those who held opinions different to theirs.

They weren't there to ask questions or gather facts. They were there to prove that what their initials really stand for is -


A tiny cabal of residents, comprising the pathologically self-interested and the terminally barking, have created this madness. This is the side of the protest which they hide from the media. A mob of hysterical, confrontational locals flinging insults at young women. A gang of brainwashed brownshirts attacking innocent people.

Insanity has broken out in the Lenches. Insanity, pure and simple. Some villagers, most of whom have never been anywhere near a windfarm and haven't the foggiest idea of what they're protesting against, have put their faith in charlatans and nutters. And this is the outcome. Sheer, unadulterated madness.

The days of VVASP posing as the victims in this matter are over. They have (yet again) shown their true face. They haven't the faintest interest in the truth, the facts, or in behaving like decent citizens.

They have ruined their own villages, turning them into places of fear and loathing where a mindless gang of deluded, brainwashed crazies bully their neighbours into submission. Where no one is allowed an opinion which doesn't chime with theirs. Where debate is disallowed. Where honesty and decency have been jettisoned.

In the old Church Lench, such phenomenal rudeness to visitors would not have been tolerated. The nimbies have proven that they are not true villagers. They have no interest whatsoever in the village. They are destroying the community in the pursuit of their own crazy power games. They are liars.

Peter Luff MP will come to regret his nimby words. VVASP have terrorised the local villages for too long. Many are sickened by their disgusting behaviour, their irresponsible lies, their swaggering arrogance. Before too long, Peter Luff will wonder how he ever came to be suckered by such a nasty bunch of evil cretins.

Whatever the outcome, VVASP have lost the moral battle. Any last shred of respectability they laid claim to was annihilated on Wednesday night, when they showed themselves as they really are.

Liars. Cowards. Bullies. Fools.

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