Friday, September 11, 2009


Traditionally, 21 September is the autumnal equinox, when day and night are equal, but the long days of summer are passing into the long nights of winter. It is a moment of balance.

This year, it is also the date of the first of ScottishPower Renewables' new drop-in sessions. Norton and Lenchwick village hall will be the venue for a public information day, where residents can find out more about the latest plans for the windfarm.

Seemingly unrelated, 21 September is also the date of the Global Wake-Up Call. You may not have heard of this yet, but on that day, all across the globe, groups will be gathering in public spaces in what are known as 'flash-mobs'.

People gather, mill about, then, at a precise moment, they all perform a uniform action. It might just be making a noise. It might be singing a song. This is captured on mobile phones.

The intention is that, on 21 September, people all over the world will send out a strong message to governments. The Copenhagen talks on Climate Change in December MUST reach serious agreement. There has to be real political commitment to protecting the Earth and its inhabitants from the damage we have done to the environment.

That is why groups like Oxfam and Greenpeace, and the makers of the film 'The Age of Stupid', are co-operating with the Global Wake-Up Call. In the face of imminent catastrophe, it is imperative that we as a species take action to limit the damage. The problem simply cannot be ignored any longer.

So - 21 September is an important date. A red-letter day. While the rest of the world makes its point about Climate Change, we will be looking at the plans for Lenchwick Windfarm.

If VVASP had their way, Climate Change would continue unchecked. A small group of people in Worcestershire (many of them new to the area) consider themselves exempt from the global responsibility to curb global warming. Rather than lobbying government to take the Climate Change problem more seriously than they already are doing, VVASP insist that, just because they don't want a windfarm near them, they shouldn't have to have one. While scientists the world over are warning about a looming catastrophe, which may soon be irreversible, VVASP are lying about the science of windfarms in order to frighten people into opposing one.

Let's think of 21 September as decision time for the world and all its citizens.

Are we all going to do our bit?

Or do we consider ourselves far too important to be bothered by global needs?

Are we going to embrace the best thing that will have happened in the area in years?

Or are we going to lie about it, like VVASP do?

Time for a Wake-Up Call.

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