Friday, September 4, 2009


This summer, France was forced to import energy from the UK.


Because as temperatures across France rose to 30 degrees plus, their nuclear power plants started producing less and less electricity. For safety reasons, several were shut down.

France gets around 80% of its electricity from 19 nuclear power stations. 14 of these are inland and rely on river water to act as a coolant.

But for the second time in a decade, temperatures rose to the point that it was no longer safe to use the river water for such a purpose.

The consequence - France could not supply enough of its own electricity. And Paris was effectively powered by the UK.

Now, being the fanatical 'Pro-Renewables' campaign group that they claim to be, Vale Villagers Against Scottish Power (VVASP) protest endlessly against renewables and seem to be of the opinion that nuclear power is the answer to all our problems. Of course, they'd soon change their tune if anyone suggested building a nuclear power station in the Lenches. But consistency was never VVASP's strong point.

With global temperatures rising, countries which rely on nuclear energy are going too find themselves compromised, as France was this summer. Rising sea levels will spell disaster for coastal power plants, and inland power plants will face much the same problems as France did.

What is more, nuclear energy is incredibly expensive. A new study from the US reveals that 'new nuclear energy is on track to cost 25 to 30 cents per kilowatt-hour' ('Time' magazine), which is three times the current US electricity rate and doesn't account for the fact that no nuclear power station has ever been completed on budget.

That's no doubt why the US is increasingly moving towards wind power.

As is the rest of the world.

The UK gets 40% of Europe's wind, and yet we're lagging well behind the rest of Europe in the development of renewable wind energy. Why is that? Because of self-serving nimbies and their ill-informed supporters. Anti-renewable campaign groups like VVASP are holding Britain back by spreading lies and misinformation and putting their own petty-minded concerns ahead of the attractive and cost effective answer to a looming crisis.

John Prescott has slammed 'nimby' councils for opposing windfarms. In fact, it's usually the case that hordes of red-faced nimbies employ barefaced lies and naked aggression in order to force councils to take the wrong decision. We cannot allow that to happen here.

The RSPB, National Trust and CPRE have called for an increase in the number of windfarms in the UK and an end to the ridiculous planning delays caused solely by nimbies lying about them.

The nuclear option is NOT a real option. It's hideously expensive and dangerous. Ask any scientist how the radioactive waste from our existing power stations is going to be protected for the next few hundred thousand years. They don't know.

Those who advance nuclear power as being more reliable and cheaper than wind power are having you on. They're wrong on both counts.

Wind power is safe, clean, cheap and endlessly renewable. The environmental impact is negligible. There is no waste. Windfarms attract tourists. Sensible people like them.

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