Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha!

ScottishPower Renewables have announced the latest development in their plans for the proposed Lenchwick Windfarm. Currently, they're looking at just five turbines to be sited along the top of Bishampton Bank.

So, ha ha ha ha ha - they've chosen to plant them right by Nimby Central! The charmless immigrants of Church Lench and Sheriffs Lench will have a collective apoplexy, while other parishes, which didn't go quite so crazy about the windfarm, can sit back and enjoy the ride.

VVASP have announced this as 'PHASE 1' of the Lenchwick Windfarm. And, you know, for once I think they might be right. Everything else they've ever said about the windfarm has been a GREAT BIG DIRTY LIE, but I happen to feel that VVASP might be right in assuming (which is all they're doing) that five turbines is just the start. You see, I think ScottishPower Renewables are doing something very, very clever here.

How come?

Well, because in a few years time, when SPR announce plans to extend the windfarm, placing turbines closer to Norton and Harvington, the turbines near Church Lench and Sheriffs Lench will already be up and operational.

And by then absolutely EVERYONE will know that the twisted fools of VVASP were lying through their teeth.

Everyone will then know that modern windfarms are practically silent.

Everyone will know that house prices do not suffer when a windfarm is built nearby.

Everyone will know that wildlife isn't harmed by windfarms.

Everyone will know that all the lunatic nonsense about physical and mental health being threatened by windfarms was just that - a crazy, stupid, mischievous LIE.

You see why I think SPR are a damn sight smarter than the nasty nimbies of the Lenches? I mean, okay, that's not really saying much. But SPR and other companies like them have had to deal with the sort of nonsense spouted by nimby groups like VVASP, and have witnessed their despicable methods of drumming up support through lies and threats, and they've figured out how to out-smart the nutters.

Put the windfarms up right where the majority of the nutters are. Let all the lies told about windfarms by the self-serving nimbies be exposed. And then extend the site to the original plan, knowing that NO ONE WILL EVER TRUST THE TWO-FACED LIARS OF VVASP AGAIN.

The same has happened elsewhere: a windfarm, such as Burtonwold in Northamptonshire, is initially opposed by villagers living a kilometre away, but when everyone realises that a windfarm is a Good Thing to have nearby, and does no harm, they don't object to more turbines.

So all we have to do is make sure that the nimby bunch don't get their way and stop the Lenchwick Windfarm. Then their outrageous lies and vile, dishonest tactics will come back to haunt them.

First step - sign the anti-nimby petition (see below). Please.

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