Monday, June 21, 2010


They don't know. They haven't been told yet.

Members of VVASP (motto - 'We Make the Nazis Look Subtle') have been contacted and told to hold their horses (in some cases, literally).

They have received instructions not to object to the Lenchwick Windfarm planning application just yet. This is on the grounds that frothing and foaming at the mouth isn't really a convincing argument, and just going "Turbines? Monsters!! Grrrr!" means nothing.

As the VVASP's Chief Dalek put it, "It is very important that those of us who want to object use the right reasons." Which kind of suggests that, left to their own devices, most of the VVASP drones would use the wrong reasons - which probably includes repeating all the lies, myths, falsehoods and inaccuracies that the VVASP's Politburo has used to brainwash and mislead them all along.

VVASP have realised that they stand no chance whatsoever of being taken seriously if their membership bark and baa and blether and talk nonsense as usual.

That's why they have "hired a specialist on the best way to object".

Actually, what that means is YOU have hired a specialist in duping the planning committee. WE have ALL hired a specialist in misleading our elected representatives because VVASP are almost certainly using our parish council funds to pay for this dodgy advice.

Now - we've all seen the scene, haven't we? Evil criminal mastermind gets off on a technicality thanks to his expensive lawyer. Everyone screams "Foul!" and maybe some right-thinking cop takes justice into his own hands. We're familiar with that sort of scenario, aren't we?

And that's just what VVASP are wasting your money on - hiring an "expert" they hope will get them off the hook on a technicality, so that we can all go to hell in a handcart thanks to them.

Till then, though, the sheep of VVASP are under orders not to contact the council and spout meaningless gibberish. No, wait till you've been told exactly what technicality you can object to. And then all object at once.

Fortunately, the experienced members of Wychavon District Council's planning committee weren't born yesterday. They'll be able to tell that all these VVASP objections were coordinated by the group of egotistical arch-liars at their core.

And we'll probably find that all that public money wasted by VVASP and its phoney "Windfarm Working Party" on experts was - well, yeah - wasted.

Meanwhile, real people who know the truth about wind power and aren't frightened off it are free to support the Lenchwick Windfarm planning application whenever they like, up till 31 July. We will not be hiring expensive "professionals" to tell us how to express our support, and we will not be telling you how or when to go about it. We believe that adults (i.e. those likely to approve of the development) can sort themselves out.

Here's where you can register your support today:

Do us all - the Vale, the nation, the planet - a favour and vote 'YES' to Lenchwick Windfarm.

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