Monday, June 28, 2010


Is nothing sacred any more?

The Flower Festival. It's a major event in the summer calendar, locally. Gardens are thrown open (and not, as they were not so long ago, purely to raise money for the big nimby parade), the churches are done up, displays in the very pretty church at Rous Lench are themed ... It's all very villagey, very English.

Well, the buggers of VVASP ("Vale Villagers Against Sensible People") ruined it, didn't they?

And how did they ruin it, you ask.

They attached a huge banner, advertising one of their Nuremberg-style Rallies - sorry, 'public meetings' - to the school railings. So that anyone happily, peacefully attending the Flower Festival or just driving through Church Lench on a lovely summery weekend had little choice but to see their ghastly, tasteless, godawful banner promoting yet another mindless night of fanatical nimbyism and hatred.

Should they have done this? No, certainly not. The school railings are not village property - they belong to the school. So, in order to advertise their Psycho Evenings the frauds of VVASP had to cheekily hijack school premises.

Now, I don't know about you, but I thought that our schools were attempting to teach our children the importance of caring for the environment.

So what kind of message does it give out to the young and impressionable of the area when irresponsible adults come along and tie a banner to the school railings in the name of a vicious group of evil nimbies who can't stand the environment? Who lie about caring for the environment when the only things they care about are their bank balances and their egos. Who don't even like children very much, and certainly don't care for any of this teaching-them-about-the-environment stuff because WHERE'S THE RIGHT-WING IDIOCY IN THAT, EH??

And you know what? The sick nimbies KNEW that they weren't allowed to tie political banners to the school railings. How do we know this?

Because the banner mysteriously disappeared. It had been up long enough to annoy any decent passing stranger, anyone keen to see the flowers in a couple of villages, and was then hastily removed before the school authorities found out about the flagrant misuse of their property.

Of course, we have seen time and time again that a) VVASP refuse to recognise that any property doesn't belong to them; they think it's all theirs, whatever it is - a mental illness that is becoming quite a problem in the area these days; and b) VVASP often throw up banners and placards, rather hurriedly, in places where they're not allowed to do so, just for a short period - i.e., when a politician is dropping by for a nimby natter - and then just as hastily get rid of them before any real people notice and kick up a fuss.

So, to their craven self-centredness, their brainwashed ignorance, they gallumphing sense of self-important, their total lack of perspective and their sheer effrontery in defrauding us of our money, we can add cowardice and a total lack of interest in the importance of the message being given out to our children to the ever-lengthening list of VVASP's crimes.

It really is about time that the whole of VVASP received an ASBO. They are collectively (as well as individually, in many cases) about as psychopathically antisocial as you can get!!

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