Monday, June 14, 2010


Yes, folks - it's true. ScottishPower Renewables' planning application for a five-turbine windfarm near Bishampton Bank in Worcestershire is in! It's there on the Wychavon District Council website.

Okay, now we'll wait a little while to see how the nimbies react. They've been a bit quieter ever since they were ruled against by the Advertising Standards Authority on the grounds that they had been telling porky pies about the windfarm. We can, however, expect some spectacular dishonesty from them in the weeks to come.

The real race will be to get comments to the planning committee - both for (those who give a damn about renewables, the environment, the planet, the future) and against (those who think about themselves and ... well, that's it, really). They will be getting friends and relatives from far and wide to write in to Wychavon with some irrelevant, inaccurate or just totally misinformed point to make.

We must get as many people as we can to write in or show their support for this eminently sensible and thoroughly harmless development online.

Details on how to do this will appear shortly. We're still examing the plans, and would suggest that anyone supporting the windfarm has a quick look at what the plans actually say. This is because the majority of the objectors won't have the foggiest what it is they're actually objecting to (meanwhile, of course, VVASP High Command will have gathered its consultants and solicitors together to try to find loopholes in the plans, but then they're weird).

Till then, anyone who has a Facebook account might care to visit this page:!/pages/Support-Lenchwick-Windfarm/134616516555756?ref=ts

And don't forget the BLoW website:

It is time for good people to stand by their beliefs in the face of rampant selfishness, arrogance and lunacy. "Wind of Change" will keep you updated. Morally, though, we have already won. Now let's defeat the madcap opposition and look forward to the arrival of our very own turbines.

Exciting times, yes?

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