Friday, June 11, 2010


To the joy, no doubt, of her constituents in built-up Redditch, newly-elected Tory MP Karen Lumley is wasting her time with the nimby nutters of VVASP.

Of course, this is what the red-faced nookies had been waiting for - they were praying for a Tory government months ago, on the grounds that Tory politicians would take pity on them and say, "Oh, no, of course they can't go putting nasty big wind turbines within a mile or so of your nice middle-class homes! Let me have a word in a few ears and they can plomp them down somewhere nearer the plebs - how's that, old boy?"

But then, there's the real world.

Kazza Lumley, novice parliamentarian for a largely urban seat, prefers to hang out with evil-minded city-dwellers who've decamped to the countryside and now think they know what's best for the country than to spend too much time worrying about the energy needs of a place like Redditch.

Even weirder, she thinks the VVASP knuckleheads have got a "strong case" for opposing the proposed Lenchwick Windfarm on the grounds that one or two houses will be, well, more than half a kilometre away from these silent structures.

Of course, it's evident that she has swallowed the VVASP BS whole. Has she done any research whatsoever into the issue?

Ha! What do you think?

Has she let Mr Misleader of the VVASP and his ghastly cronies fill her head with nonsense about turbines?

Damn right she has!

What could constitute a "strong case" for turbines being "too close" when they're more than half a kilometre away from the nearest buildings? Only the usual demented claims of the nimbies - those things they've been saying for months, which have turned out, again and again, to be utterly and totally inaccurate and untruthful. The claims which were rejected by the independent Advertising Standards Authority. And so on ...

In other words, only if you believe the lies peddled by VVASP could you possibly imagine that they have a "strong case". If you've spent any time looking into what wind turbines are, and what wind farms do, then you'll know for a fact that VVASP are a bunch of dishonest nimby cretins with no interest in anything at all but their own petty-minded outlooks.

The natural friends of the Tories, in other words. But with energy posing such a pressing and increasingly urgent problem, can the new government - and their noobie backbenchers, drunk on power already - afford to ignore the pertinent facts?

This isn't about a tiny handful of weirdos who moved into a country village a few months back.

This is about the future of the UK's energy supply and the planet.

So, for God's sake, Lumley - GET A GRIP!! Do your homework!! The rest of us have figured out what a bunch of lying toads VVASP are - why haven't you? You've only been an MP for five minutes - don't blow it this early on, for all our sakes!

(BLoW - 'Back Local Windfarms' - have meanwhile pointed out how shortsighted of Karen Lumley it is to jump on this particular nimby bandwagon, especially when it's patently obvious that you have no idea what you're talking about. So, good for BLoW! At last there's a voice of reason in this debate, and the mad, bad nookies of Lench aren't spilling their awful bilge all over the place without a sensible response from the caring element in the community. Karen Lumley MP - take note!)

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