Thursday, June 17, 2010


Okay, guys - the public consultation period for the Lenchwick Windfarm planning application ends on 31 July 2010.

That means we have six weeks in which to get as many people as possible to support the plans.

The nimby "Windfarm Working Party" asked Wychavon District Council to extend the consultation period, but Wychavon said no. 31 July it is, then.

Hang on ... Did you hear that right? The "Windfarm Working Party" - which, as some of you will recall, is the VVASP pretending to be parish councillors and spending YOUR tax-payers' money on their shabby little campaign - wanted more time. To do what?

When the newly-constituted, totally anti-windfarm Church Lench Parish Council set up its bogus "Windfarm Working Party" it said it was to gather and share information between the six local parish councils.

What that really meant was it was an exercise in taking parish council money (your money) under what could be considered false pretences and using it to bolster VVASP's disingenuous efforts while spreading propaganda around the parishes.

Now, when the windfarm plans are available for public consultation, the "Windfarm Working Party" reveals what it really is. They are channelling YOUR money into the pockets of professional consultants in the hope of finding a reason or two to object to the plans. Now they're saying that they and their consultants won't have time to spend all your money or to find an adequate reason to object.

This isn't information gathering and sharing, of course. It's a dishonest use of your money for biased political purposes and a complete dereliction of the duty of parish councils to approach planning applications impartially. A FAIL on all democratic levels, then.

Funny, though - at a time when nimby groups left, right and centre are cock-a-hoop because a Telegraph journalist published a very misleading article about windfarms being little more than a subsidy scam, our local nimbies are misusing public money in their own interests.

The Telegraph article plays to the right-wing of the Tory party - people who simply refuse to understand the case for renewables on ideological grounds. Of course, the nookies of VVASP and their gormless clones elsewhere love this pointless article (and, naturally, the Telegraph completely fails to explain why other countries, like China and the oil state of Texas, are investing so heavily in wind power).

But what the nookies are saying is - it's all right for them to ponce public funds for their crazy purposes, but it's not all right for the UK's vital move towards sustainability to receive a bit of government support.

Typical nimbies, eh? One rule for them ...

(Anyway, details next time on sending in your comments in support of Lenchwick Windfarm to Wychavon District Council. Keep tuned in!)

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