Wednesday, February 1, 2012


It's one of the great idiocies of our time - a big fat lie deliberately spread by manic anti-wind crazies with the sole purpose of scaring and alarming their neighbours.

It's that magical, mystical thing known as "Wind Turbine Syndrome". And it doesn't exist.

The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection and the Massachusetts Department of Public Health are just the latest official agencies to publish the detailed and considered results of proper research into this phantom issue. They commissioned a panel of independent experts to "identify any documented or potential health impacts of risks that may be associated with exposure to wind turbines, and, specifically, to facilitate discussion of wind turbines and public health based on scientific findings."

Get that - "based on scientific findings".

From the off, the Massachusetts study was basing its conclusions on science. Not the idiotic blather so beloved of the anti-wind numpties. Science. That's fact, data, empirical research, statistics ... boring stuff like that. Unlike inventing stupid scare stories, which isn't boring, but it's not very scientific either.

Well, once again, the experts studied the relevant data. And there is no such thing as "Wind Turbine Syndrome". It's a made-up myth, beloved of the nimbies (even those who happen to have a PhD in Physics, like the Herr Kommandant of the Out-of-Control VVASP protest group in the Lenches), because it sounds so bad, so scary. Even though it does not exist.

Stefan Gsanger, Secretary General of the World Wind Energy Association (WWEA), has said:

In most countries using wind power today, wind farms enjoy a very high degree of public support [we know that - when it is the real public that is being asked, and not just the nimby loudmouths and liars] and it is often rather the local population that wants more wind power and pushes politicians to support it as well. Unfortunately there are some places where misleading and wrong information is spread [you don't say!], especially on health impacts of wind turbines.

As well as Massachusetts, Australia has also accepted that the morons who keep banging on about "Wind Turbine Syndrome" are talking out of their rectums. The Australian Clean Energy Commission has flagged up a statement issued by the Climate and Health Alliance (a coalition representing such groups as the Royal Australian College of Physicians and the Australian Psychological Society) which stresses that wind power and other renewables are a safe alternative to fossil fuels. A Parliamentary inquiry found that there was no basis to claims that wind turbines give rise to adverse health impacts. So another proper investigation rubbishes all that nimby "Wind Turbine Syndrome" baloney!

It will be interesting to see how long the desperately stupid, outrageously irresponsible, reprehensibly wicked and downright dishonest claims made by selfish anti-windfarm groups about "Wind Turbine Syndrome" can continue. There's plenty of good solid research out there these days which indicates that it's an entirely fabricated concern. To be fair, you'd have to be pretty bonkers and soft in the head to have believed it in the first place. But disgraceful nimby publicity - like that over which VVASP was censured by the Advertising Standards Authority on the grounds that it was a pack of lies which could not be substantiated - will no doubt continue to flog the "WTS" dead horse.

One tip for those who find themselves up against this sort of mindless nimby nonsense: look out for the person who keeps going on and on about turbine "noise" and the purported effects on health. There's a strong chance that that person - whoever it is - is the real problem. They often exist to lie and bully in order to get their way, and they're ready and willing to frighten their so-called friends and neighbours with bogus studies and Daily Mail-style garbage.

Those people are dangerous. It's not wind turbines that make people ill. It's the people who try to make you believe that they do - they're the ones who are so sick that they want everybody else to be sick as they are.

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