Wednesday, February 8, 2012


... or, if you prefer: TRAITORS, TRIODOS and TRIPE.

First, the TRAITORS. Click on this link to find a list of the halfwits who signed the letter to David Cameron calling on the Prime Minister to shoot Britain in the foot:

One way or another, all of these "people" are mad, bad and dangerous to know. They want to destroy a thriving and promising industry. They want your energy bills to soar. They have no interest in the environment or Britain's energy security. They are dupes and fools. And there's a chance that one or other of these idiots represents YOU in parliament. Maybe you should let that "person" know what you think.

Now, some good news, courtesy of TRIODOS. Triodos is an ethical bank. No, stop laughing at the back - there are such things, and the Holland-based Triodos is one of them. It only lends to businesses and charities delivering social and environmental benefits.

Last year, the bank's lending to organisations in the UK rose by a massive 36%. So, not only is Triodos a GOOD bank. It's doing what the BAD banks should be doing, and doing it exceptionally well. Its lending to renewable energy projects in the UK was up 25% last year, while social housing investments rose by 240%. All good stuff.

Triodos also launched a £15m share issue last year to increase its investment in onshore wind. The very thing that the Tory nutcases linked to above want to stop. Triodos expects to be supporting 100 megawatts of installed wind energy capacity by 2015.

So, regardless of the idiocy of certain rightwingers in the UK, the financial sector - that is, the part of that sector which actually works - is carrying on investing in wind power in the UK. Who, then, is really looking after your future, folks? 101 dippy parliamentarians with trench brain or a leading ethical bank?

Now for the TRIPE. This is how the Daily Mail invests anti-windfarm myths by misrepresenting scientific research:

If you've been keeping your eyes open for any length of time, you'll know by now that this sort of misrepresentation forms the basis for practically all anti-windfarm campaigns. A story is twisted, misreported and given a stupid but startling headline. That is then taken up by the climate sceptic/anti-renewables fringe and becomes a "fact". But it was never a "fact" in the first place. It's a lie dressed up as a news story.

So, that's today's bulletin. A list of Tory traitors, some good news about investments and wind power, and an example of how the right-wing lies to you about wind. Business as usual, you might say.

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