Sunday, February 5, 2012


We were wrong.

A few posts back, we revealed that the MP for Redditch who did such a spectacular job of misleading the Wychavon District Council Planning Committee over the alleged level of local opposition to the proposed Lenchwick Windfarm (she was quoting figures she'd been given by a discredited protest group) had apparently realised something. In a piece she wrote for a Conservative Party blog she remarked, a propos of the High Speed Rail-Link, that vested interests sometimes supply false information in support of their cause. She had looked at one of the latest reports published by the anti-HS2 nimbies and quickly sussed that it was a pile of garbage put together by an anti-HS2 campaigner and someone who just hates trains but loves roads. Cleverly, Ms Lumley MP concluded that those who were against something were perhaps bending the truth a little and calling it a 'report'.

We thought she might have learnt the error of her ways. But we were wrong.

Her name has appeared alongside a hundred others - almost all Tory MPs - who have written to David Cameron. They want him to slash "subsidies" for onshore windfarms. They also want him to make it easier for small, noisy and fearsomely dishonest protest groups to prevent windfarms from being built where they might, just might, be able to see them.

Karen Lumley has evidently learned nothing. And probably never will. She is still clinging to the inaccurate nimby nonsense she had rammed down her throat by the morons of VVASP, more than a year ago. She hasn't bothered to ask herself whether the "reports" they quoted were as oafishly misleading as the one she criticised in her article about HS2 (which she supported). As far as she is concerned, it's all right for a high-speed rail link to be built across open countryside but not a windfarm.

Here's a measure of how stupid she, and her fellow Tory MPs who signed the letter to David Cameron, are. We reported on a mini-glut of "reports" issued by right-wing think-tank not so long ago which tried to rubbish the wind industry. Want to know how crap their figures were? Here's a good piece which explains why one of those anti-renewables reports - the one issued by Civitas - was so remarkably inaccurate:

Still, pepped up by these woefully useless reports from anti-renewables "experts", the 101 Damnations of the Conservative Party decided to bend their Prime Minister's ear. This almost certainly has something to do with Chris Huhne's dramatic exit from the Cabinet last week. Huhne not only likes windfarms but he can see that the UK has no option - we continue to develop wind power or the lights go out. And that's even after the government lied to parliament in order to force through legislation for 10 new nuclear power stations. But the running dogs of the right are so glad to be rid of Huhne they're now trying to destroy Britain's wind power industry on totally bogus grounds.

How mad this all is! Okay, so certain right-wing newspapers have buried the results of their own polls, which have shown how popular wind power is (see earlier posts). And maybe the right-wing nutters of the Cameron letter (they include the looney anti-abortionist Nadine Dorries and Aidan Burley, who goes to parties with people dressed as Nazis) only ever hear from the more boorish of their constituents - the sort who've been making such daft claims about wind power as have been doing the rounds in Bridgnorth recently.

And maybe these 101 twerps actually believe that democracy is NOT what the majority wants, but only what a small and vociferous MINORITY wants - as happened in the Lenches. In other words, local people should be able to stop windfarms being built, even when the majority of those local people want the windfarm!!!

It's political incorrectness gone mad!

We've said it before, and we'll say it again, and we'll quote Green groups who have pointed out that campaigning against windfarms is SELFISH:

And pandering to this idiotic selfishness is - well, okay, it's what a Tory MP does - but it's BAD FOR BRITAIN, you loons! The rest of the world is steaming ahead with windpower and you cretins want us to go backwards!!! Does appeasing the fascist fringe - like our Dr No and his evil companion Lurch - really matter so much to these drones that they will betray the national interest to do so?

Over and over again, we hear the same idiots bleating the same outdated and disproven gibberish - the claims that windfarms cause ill-health (a whole series of peer-reviewed scientific studies have now shown that there is absolutely no evidence for this wild claim) and that they are noisy (a claim you can only make if (a) you've never been anywhere near a windfarm or (b) you're a liar), that they slaughter wildlife (compared with cars, they barely touch 'em) and impact on house prices (again, not a shred of proof) - and braindead Tory MPs just can't see it, can they? They can't see that they've been lied to! They keep banging on about subsidies - what subsidies???

Why is it that Ms Lumley can tell when an anti-HS2 group is spreading misinformation but can't tell when an anti-windfarm group is spinning nonsensical myths that have been roundly and repeatedly debunked?

What have these Tories got against Britain? We have the best wind resources in Europe. But our elected representatives want to hurtle us back to the Dark Ages, while the rest of Europe - as well as the Americas, the Antipodes, India, China and Africa - charges ahead with clean, green, renewable energy.

And why do we have to keep hearing those same old lies - "inefficient", "subsidy-driven" - from people who really ought to know better. Whose job it is to know better!!

If you want to be able to look your grandchildren in the eye and tell them that you didn't sell their future for a view you don't own, write to your MP and insist that, for once in their miserable lives, they at least try to get their facts right.

Karen Lumley almost did, once. But then she gave up again.

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