Tuesday, January 31, 2012


We mentioned this not long ago, but today it was announced that a cross-party group of MPs has endorsed a report which reveals that ministers in successive governments mislead parliament over the "need" for new nuclear power stations:


Although the organisation responsible for the report A Corruption of Governance? insists that it takes no stand over nuclear as such, the conclusions of the report are clear: government ministers overstated the need for new nuclear power stations. Or, if you prefer, we as a nation might have TEN expensive and dangerous nuclear power stations foisted on us which we don't actually need.

In the light of which, we think you deserve some better news. A couple of weeks ago, the Worcester News announced that plans are afoot to install a large wind turbine near the M5 motorway. The online version of the story included a straightforward poll: "What do you think of wind turbines?" to which the answer could either be "I'm all for them" or "I'm against them".


Interestingly, when the poll closed the result was pretty clear. 66% of those who deigned to answer were "all for" wind turbines.

In the midst of the nimby insanity unleashed by the arch-deceivers and antisocial thugs of VVASP, the same newspaper carried out a similar poll. Then, 92% of respondents were "against" wind turbines.

Of course, you can guarantee that VVASP High Command sent out instructions to its clueless drones, telling them to vote in the poll (and telling them what to vote as well). That's the problem with a lot of these polls - the nutty brigade get to hear about them and you end up with a very skewed result. So, 92% of those who had swallowed VVASP's atrociously inaccurate and misleading propaganda were "against" wind turbines. Big deal. Just like 92% of racists are against mixed marriages.

But that was a year or two ago. The latest poll shows that, when the barking, self-interested propagandists aren't involved to such an overwhelming extent, and the Great British Public is actually allowed to express its views, the majority are "all for" wind turbines.

Maybe the people of Worcestershire have wised up. Maybe they've figured out that they were being brainwashed, manipulated and lied to by Dr No and his charmless cronies. Maybe it's struck them that wind power is both desirable and necessary. You still get the usual cretinous comments about wind turbines being noisy (yeah, right) or useless (wrong, wrong, wrong) or obscene in some weird way or other. But the majority have spoken in favour of the M5 turbine.

So - the next big question - will Wychavon District Council do the right thing this time around? Will they keep a lid on the inevitable outbreak of nimby nonsense and vote for the good of the district, or will they bow to the intolerable pressure exerted by a few pompous idiots who don't care what they have to say or do just as long as they get their selfish way?

Oh, and here's something: Belgium will soon have a railway powered by wind. Consent has been granted for 25 turbines to be installed along the line from Brussels to Liege. These turbines will power the trains which run along that route.

Can you imagine the nimby nightmare we would all have to suffer if such a proposal was put forward in England? The nutters would go ballistic! It would be the end of civilisation! Dozens of middle-class Daily Mail readers would go to war with the truth to stop this White Elephant in its tracks.

But then, that's England for you. They often do things better on the Continent.

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