Tuesday, January 24, 2012


In the past we have raised questions about the honesty and integrity of the Global Warming Policy Foundation. The registered charity routinely publishes claims which run counter to the global scientific consensus. In short, it tries to persuade people that climate change isn't happening - or, if it is, then it's got nothing to do with any of us - and so we should just carry on doing what we're doing, such as burning fossil fuels like there's no tomorrow.

The Global Warming Policy Foundation has been criticised because, as a registered charity it really should avoid political campaigning. It also refuses to disclose the sources of its funding. This is quite possibly because it is funded by the oil industry. The oil industry doesn't like talk about climate change. It's bad for business. So it would make sense if Big Oil was supporting the Global Warming Policy Foundation, a charity which has done much to confuse the public about this crucial issue.

Well, it turns out that we're not alone in having concerns about this bunch of climate sceptics. A Freedom of Information request has been submitted, demanding to know who is actually paying the Global Warming Policy Foundation.

If you're quick, you can sign a petition calling on Chris Huhne, Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change, to make the GWPF come clean:


Meanwhile, the oil industry comes in for a pasting in a new film documentary. Titled, with delirious honesty, GREEDY LYING BASTARDS, the featire-length documentary by US filmmaker Craig Rosebraugh claims to be a "searing indictment of the influence, deceit and corruption that defines the fossil fuel industry". Featuring an impressive roster of interviewees, the film analyses the ways and means by which Big Oil tries to cast doubt on climate change and make out that any increase in global average temperatures is certainly nothing to do with CO2 emissions - no sirree Bob! Just the sort of thing that the Global Warming Policy Foundation keeps trying to thrust down our throats: a wholly bogus and unscientific argument designed solely to prop up the profits of the oil barons at the expense of the planet.

So, definitely worth keeping an eye out for: http://greedylyingbastards.com/

Now, all this on the day that one of the UK's biggest oil refineries goes into administration. One really has to wonder how long any of us can afford to play along with the Big Oil blood-sweat-tears-filth-spills-and-money machine. After all, when there's so much clean, green, cheap and harmless potential energy out there in the form of wind, waves and sunlight, you do have to question the sort of idiocy which criticises windpower for being "inefficient" and "unreliable" when a major oil refinery can shut down just like that.

But that's the problem with the mounds of self-serving propaganda which spew forth from the oil industry like so many oil slicks. It plays into the hands of the mega-maniacs of the nimby fringe, those lunatics who pretend to be "pro-renewables" but only if they can't actually see them. Having no moral scruple or basic integrity, your average nimby will happily tell any old lie that seems to help their cause - and the oil and nuclear industries, having the most to lose from a healthy renewables industry, are only too eager to keep supplying them with those lies.

So please do sign the petition above (before Friday 27 January) so that we can find out if the professional climate change deniers of the Global Warming Policy Foundation really are being kept in champagne and oysters by the oil industry. It would be just another example of major vested interests campaigning ruthlessly and dishonestly against the public good - the sort of thing that Craig Rosebraugh's GREEDY LYING BASTARDS would appear to be all about.

The idiots out there like to claim that windfarms only happen so that unscrupulous developers can get their sticky hands on oodles of government subsidies. Well that, dear friends, is a load of absolute balls. Those who make those claims are either mouthpieces for the GREEDY LYING BASTARDS of the oil industry or are dupes of those same illegitimate and mendacious money-grubbers. As we've shown in the past, most of the claims made about wind power by dimwits and spin doctors turn out to be untrue - as far as renewables are concerned - though they are in fact amazingly accurate when applied to oil and nuclear.

It should come as no surprise, then, to discover that most of the false claims made about renewables - and wind power in particular - originate in the oil industry or firms which represent the oil industry (like Civitas, whose brainless anti-renewables report, published the other week, just shows how they'd rather take Big Oil's dirty lolly than protect your children's future). Bear that in mind next time you hear a scary or disturbing "fact" about windfarms.

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