Monday, October 11, 2010


Quite a number of the witless 'objections' to the Lenchwick Windfarm planning application start with something like this: 'I moved to the Lenches four years ago, making a great personal sacrifice in the process (because the city where I lived previously had shops and stuff in it), but I did so because I treasured the rural tranquility of the Lenches. This will be totally destroyed when a handful of remarkably quiet wind turbines are erected in a place where I won't be able to see them, most of the time ... etc., etc., bats, sleep disorders, VVASP told me to write this ...' and so on.

So it's interesting to receive reports of a conversation with somebody who has lived in the Lenches for a good deal longer than most of the protesters. A person of a certain age, that is, who has spent their whole life there.

The individual in question no longer visits the local club for a drink, having grown tired of being hectored and harangued by red-faced loonies. The person concerned knows about windfarms, having spent a reasonable amount of time in very close proximity to them, but they quickly discovered that they were not allowed to express their opinion - an opinion based on fact and experience - because the nimbies didn't like it.

The word used by this person to describe the nimbies was 'rabid'. The individual complained that Parish Councils had been 'taken over' by rampaging nookies and all alternative opinions had been shouted down. Basically, you are not allowed to express support for the windfarm in the Lenches - if you do, some nutter will lay into you.

A similar situation has prevailed in the local papers, where people who know nothing about windfarms have yelled and screamed at the people who do.

This is not the first time we have heard of the genuine grassroots of the area expressing their support for the windfarm - a retired farmer, not so long ago, announced that he couldn't for the life of him see how the turbines could do anybody any harm. Naturally, though, while the villages in question are cowering under the iron grip of VVASP's propaganda machine, such viewpoints are completely ignored. Worse, they invite verbal assaults from nincompoops who don't know what they're on about.

Once again, we find that (when an independent-minded individual in the Lenches gets the chance to speak) there are many in the area who support, or at least do not oppose, the windfarm.

Stand by for yet another barrage of nimby filth directed against those who refuse to be cowed by VVASP's bullies and liars.

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