Friday, October 1, 2010


VVASP's latest publicity stunt, designed to make it look as though the evil doctor and his merry maniacs are fighting on behalf of the neighbourhood, has been to write to ScottishPower Renewables, asking the windfarm developer to show a 'social conscience' and withdraw their planning aplication.

Now, stop laughing at the back there! This is serious stuff. Even though VVASP demanding whether SPR has a 'social conscience' is a bit like a Hackney cab calling an ambulance black.

Where, we might well ask, was the 'social conscience' displayed when King Nookie first spread his monstrous lies around the area, stuffing his mindless garbage through people's doors in order to confuse and frighten them (these were the lies which were later slammed by the independent Advertising Standards Authority as unsubstantiated and untruthful)?

Where was the 'social conscience' when the same self-centred individual refused to rein in his baying mob and allow the parish council to get on with its business?

Where is the 'social conscience' in repeatedly and consistently misleading your neighbours over the effects of the proposed windfarm, making them believe (for no good reason, and on no grounds whatsoever) that their health will be affected and their houses will tumble in value?

Where is the 'social conscience' in libelling a planning officer as biased when he hasn't even studied the planning application yet? Or in gerrymandering the figures to make it look like the majority in the local area agree with you? Or in browbeating those who are capable of making their own minds up into keeping quiet because only your opinion counts?

And, most of all, where is the 'social conscience' in trying to pretend that the children at Church Lench First School will be at some kind of risk from the windfarm - when the truth is that they could benefit hugely, both financially and educationally, from a development that will do them no harm whatsoever?

The answer, of course, is that there is no social conscience at all in VVASP and its egregious leader. These people can think only of themselves, their own short-term interests, and have happily battled against a fair and reasonable development, using the weapons of lies and bullyboy tactics. They are content to deprive others of clean energy just so that they won't have to see a turbine from time to time. Theirs is the ultimate in hypocrisy, bad science and social terrorism. They are liars, through and through.

But what makes them think they could even persuade a power company to give up on a very sensible development and all the work that has gone into the planning? Well, two reports have appeared, both commissioned by Wychavon, and the nasty nimbies are conning themselves into thinking that they have a case.

The first of these reports, concerning landscape and visual amenity, tells us nothing that we didn't know already. Yes, you can't hide five wind turbines behind a shrubbery. There aren't any turbines there at present, so the windfarm will be a New Thing and will be visible. On the positive side, the report's authors did note that, if they had to design a windfarm for the Lenches, they'd have done it exactly the way Scottish Power have done.

The other report is more problematic. It concerns noise ('What noise?' we hear our more intelligent readers ask) and was drafted by a consultant who almost always works for anti-windfarm nutters. Now, it would be understandable for a consultant who makes money out of nimbies to try to enhance his reputation for battling against windfarms. More worryingly, the consultant in question doesn't seem to bother analysing the planning applications properly - he just files one of his template anti-windfarm reports. His reputation in the industry is not very high, especially as other, more respected consultants have pointed out the biased and poorly argued nature of his reports.

Quite why Wychavon commissioned this dubious consultant to comment on the potential noise issues of the windfarm is a mystery. But because he wrote the very same sort of nonsense that VVASP love to hear, regardless of whether it's backed up by what we call 'Science' or 'Evidence' or not, the mad nookies are foisting their sick adverts on us through the local press and kidding themselves that they've scored some sort of victory. Hence their loopy, self-serving and hypocritical letter to ScottishPower Renewables.

Basically, a biased consultant has written a poor-quality report. So what else is new? Big Chief Nookie and his mad minions have been misquoting reports, inventing stupid stories and trading myths and rumours for months.

Why should SPR withdraw their planning application? It's perfectly sound and, what's more, windfarms are necessary (regardless of what the twits of VVASP say) and there will be more on that subject very soon (watch this space).

The big joke, though, is that VVASP are using the words 'social conscience'. Which is a bit like Adolf Hitler using the words 'political correctness'.

VVASP demonstrably cannot find a social conscience between them - so what right have they got to demand that others have one, eh?

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