Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Three cheers for Scotland!!

Just days ago, Scotland's first minister, Alex Salmond, announced a massive increase in the target set for renewables. Till recently, Scotland was aiming to generate 50% of its electricity from renewables by the year 2020. But that has now changed. The target for renewable energy for Scotland by 2020 is ... wait for it ... 80%.

That's right - 80%!

Incredible! What a far-sighted, conscientious move! Scotland is seeking to become a world leader in the generation of renewable energy (the clue is in the word 'renewable' - no toxic fumes, no greenhouse gas emissions, no burning of fossil fuels, no dangerous and expensive nuclear waste ...) So three cheers for them!

Of course, Mr Salmond is in a privileged position. He doesn't have to contend with the nimby idiots and selfish morons of Middle England. North of the border, the march towards clean, green, renewable energy is well underway and proceeding apace. South of the border, it's stymied by liars and crypto-fascists.

Take the evil doctor's latest move. He attended a conference of weirdos and busybodies and made sure that Wychavon District Council knew that he had - he sent them a 'report' detailing all the daft and nonsensical arguments being used against the government's guidelines for noise.

Now, if you're only interested in listening to one side of a story (that side being the most disreputable faction going), then you'll come out with some very strange theories and ideas. Whatever makes you think that the Chief Executive of your district council needs to know these oddball ideas - well, who can say? We do know that VVASP (i.e., the waspish lie-machine) has been 'updating' Wychavon about windfarm planning applications on a regular basis for a good eighteen months or more. This, we can assume, is yet another fanatical propaganda campaign based on misinformation and the highly selective release of news. We can take it as read that, whatever Dr No has been telling the council, it is anything but the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

So - where do we stand? If you're lucky enough to enjoy Scottish residency, you're in the position of being able to embrace the twenty-first century, safe in the knowledge that your political leaders have seen the massive problems facing mankind and are taking sensible, considerate and intelligent steps to deal with them.

If you're stuck in England, surrounding by loons who can't see beyond their own noses, can't bear the thought of other people benefiting from a sensible and harmless development, can't understand simple concepts and like to think that they run the village, you're in trouble.

As ever, VVASP and its socially irresponsible leader are selling themselves, the local area, the region, the country and the planet and everybody on it downriver. And why?

Because they don't think they should have to see a windfarm from time to time.

Selfishness doesn't get much more selfish than that. These people have been prepared to lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, bully, threaten, harrass, lie, lie and lie again - just because they refuse to do their bit.

It won't cost them anything, having a windfarm nearby, and it'll be extremely beneficial for the area. But that, of course, is of no concern to the mindless maniacs of VVASP. They only care about themselves - and can't even recognise where their best interests lie!!!

I suppose they imagine that the view from the end of their driveway is better than anything that Scotland has to offer.

But then, they're incapable of dealing with reality, so what can you do, eh?

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