Wednesday, October 13, 2010


It has been brought to our attention that a fool has written on the VVASP website, angrily questioning what right the Advertising Standards Authority had to criticise VVASP's publicity. This dimwit stated that the ASA were just a bunch of 'government lackeys' peddling the government's line on renewables.

Well, as usual it falls to us here at Wind of Change to bring a little reality check to the weird and whacky world of the anti-wind nimbies.

First of all, the ASA is not a government body. It is funded by the advertising industry and has consistently shown that it is as independent and impartial in adjudicating against government-sponsored advertising campaigns as it is against (or for) anybody else.

So to claim that the ASA is somehow in the government's pocket is yet another blatant lie promoted by nimbies who have been caught out telling porkies.

As for whether or not the ASA has a 'right' to adjudicate against anti-windfarm groups and their irresponsible literature - well, the authority exists to investigate complaints regarding any such advertising. The maniacs of VVASP were silly enough to print a whole pack of lies and stuff these through people's letterboxes, and so they rendered themselves prone to an ASA investigation and (because they'd been telling fibs) an adverse adjudication.

Presumably, Mr Idiot feels that all advertisers should be allowed to make any old claims they feel like without any scrutiny or oversight at all. Certainly, such a situation would suit the likes of VVASP. But the public has a right to be protected from such liars and their scandalous publications. Which is why the ASA exists, to police the advertising industry and anybody else who seeks to sway public opinion in a manner that is untruthful and contrary to the public good.

But typically, having been caught out, fair and square, the naughty nookies of the Lenches continue to cry foul. The last thing they want is a level playing field.

Thankfully, though, we live in a civilised and essentially democratic society, and there are safeguards in place to prevent dishonest groups like VVASP from having everything their own way.

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