Thursday, July 23, 2009


Another nimby myth bites the dust: the imminent arrival of a windfarm in our locale does not seem to have deterred househunters one little bit.

Sifting through the reasons why people in the Lenches - and almost exclusively in the Lenches - are so uptight over the windfarm issue, the only one that actually makes any sense (apart from the fact that they just don't want anything around them that they haven't actually built or paid for themselves) is the matter of property values.

Of course, if they really loved the place so much, the property market might not be so important to them. But they can happily rest assured.

In fact, the windfarm might well prove to be a positive boon!

Better still, it could lead to a Much Better Class of People moving into the Lenches.

One family has not been deterred from looking at a property in the Lenches just because there might be a windfarm nearby. What did confuse them, though, was all those ghastly signs that have been erected ... er ... only in a few small villages.

What is more, a couple have been looking at another property in the area, partly BECAUSE there could be a windfarm on the way.

As they were looking round, someone nearby started talking to them, mouthing off about the windfarm, you know, the usual nimby nonsense. The prospective buyer announced that they think windfarms are amazing and they'd be delighted to have one near them.

Miserable old local then mumbled something about, 'Better keep quiet about that round here', and, having done his bit to sell the area, slouched off to find a few nimby friends who might agree with him.

To me, there's a big step in the right direction looming here. It looks like the windfarm might actually attract some decent, level-headed people to move into the villages. This will certainly counteract the kind of boorish loon that has made its residence in the area recently.

The sort who believe that everything belongs to them.

The sort who don't care what lies they tell, and what threats they make, as long as they get their own way.

The sort who've made the Lenches such an ugly, nasty place of late.

So the windfarm may turn out to be a healthy thing, after all, if it brings a few more sensible people into the villages, and - who knows - maybe shuts up some of the arrogant bastards who currently think they own the place.

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