Thursday, July 2, 2009


Yet again, the poor, deluded fools of VVASP have had their ghastly yellow placards stolen or damaged.

Yes, would you believe it? All those self-satisfied people are doing is exercising their democratic right to plaster nasty-looking placards all over a picturesque village, and some unidentified rotters have retaliated.

Those placards cost a tenner each! They have been strategically placed to draw attention to their owners' dumbass views! How dare anybody vandalise these crappy, evil posters?! It's a disgrace!

(A more creative form of vandalism, which took place a few months back, saw photocopied images of the GI's raising Old Glory at Iwo Jima, only the flagpole had been replaced by a wind turbine, and the word 'YES' was prominent; these were stuck over the VVASP's grotty 'NO' efforts, much to the annoyance of the anti-windfarm lobby.)

According to VVASP, the police know who is responsible for removing the useless 'NO' placards. The police, however, have got far more important things to be getting on with than pandering to the pushy bastards who erected the stupid placards in the first place, and so no action has been taken (as yet).

Maybe the police have just got more taste than the bottom-feeders of VVASP. Certainly the wreckers of those dreadful placards have. Their actions have enhanced the visual appeal of the villages concerned enormously. Removing the placards is undoubtedly a positive act and shows a far greater sense of perspective and community than the protesters of Loony Lench have shown.

But you know what the middle-classes are like when it comes to their property. I don't think it's the ten quid that went down the drain with their shitty placard, I think it's the obvious fact that somebody disagrees with them which rankles so much. After all, only members of VVASP are allowed to have an opinion, right? And that opinion has to be forged by a constant stream of lies, misrepresentation and social/psychological pressure.

Well, good to see that some have slipped through the net and are still capable of rational, independent thought. Better still that they are exercising their superior intellect by ridding the villages of just a few of those godawful placards - the ones which try to make windpower look as hideous as nuclear power, but which only reveal the owners to be the dimwitted victims of a crude propaganda campaign.

So - three cheers (and a pint, should the opportunity ever arise) for the Merry Men who have, yet again, shown their wholly reasonable contempt for VVASP and their unsightly placards. After all, criminal damage is one thing. Climate change is another. Anything which attacks the mealy-mouthed gainsayers of climate change, the self-centred individuals who care more about the view from the corner of their garden than the planet as a whole, the spreaders of lies and the huffing, puffing bullies of VVASP can only be a Good Thing!

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