Friday, July 24, 2009


I've had my wrist slapped - quite rightly - by residents of the Lenches who really don't like being tarred with the nimby brush.

And what I'm rather ashamed about is the fact that I know there are many in the area who support the windfarm proposals, or who simply want to distance themselves from the tactics of VVASP. I know that, and I keep finding out - pretty well on a daily basis - just how many people out there are on the side of the angels in this one.

So when I go and insult everybody in the Lenches, that's be just me being careless. And I'm sorry for that.

Because there are plenty there who aren't littering the area with silly signs, or sticking them up where they've no right to put them, or flocking to meetings where they simply bolster each other's daft ideas and unnecessary opposition to a beneficial development. People who don't threaten others for holding different views, and who don't go round spreading scare-stories.

So, to those of you who don't agree with VVASP's views or tactics, I apologise for making it seem that everyone in the Lenches has been caught up in the madness, because it's clear that many have not.


I also understand that the nimbies really resent being called nimbies. I assume that's because they want to convince themselves that they're mounting a principled campaign and not just sounding off.

So, in a mood of contrition, I shall now adopt another word for the protesters of Lench and its environs.

From now on, I shall be calling them Nookies.

These are the 'NO - OK' bunch: the ones who say 'NO' to the windfarm, but then say 'OK' just as long as it's two kilometres away.

A muddled bit of thinking, and far from realistic.

So, NOOKIES it is.

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