Thursday, July 16, 2009


The familiar tendency of the anti-windfarm protesters to be - ahem - 'economical with the truth' is shown again in this week's Evesham Journal.

The local paper notes that 'Plans for a windfarm in the Lenches look more likely to go ahead after the Government announced it would back windfarm applications as part of its renewable energy strategy.'

The article goes on to state that 'a local opinion poll showed that opposition to the scheme is growing.'

Unless anyone can tell me otherwise, I know of only one proper opinion poll carried out in Church Lench. With no more recent measurement of public opinion, how on earth could VVASP know that 'opposition to the scheme is growing'?

Okay, since the opinion poll, ugly yellow placards have sprung up like mushrooms in a few villages, many placed on land which did not belong to anyone associated with the protest group. VVASP has continued to belabour locals with dangerous propaganda and behaved in just the sort of way guaranteed to remove planning decisions from the district.

But by what measure can they conclude that opposition is growing?

The chair of Church Lench Parish Council added, 'In fact, no one has yet come forward in support of them [the windfarm plans].'

Oooh, bad chair. Naughty chair. Misleading the public like that. Now go and sit on the naughty step and have a long, hard think about what you've done.

Support for the windfarm is pretty widespread. I hear from supporters of the proposals - and opponents of VVASP - every day.

The supporters of the proposed Lenchwick Windfarm do, however, have the good taste not to plaster the area with placards. A few Merry Men keep removing these eyesores, thereby suggesting that some in the Lenches still have a sense of proportion.

But the real reason that supporters of the windfarm tend to keep their heads down?

How about the threats made against those who don't share VVASP's blinkered views?

How about the problem of being rounded on by red-faced nimbies and those who have been suckered by VVASP and their hysterical claims?

The Mafia-like gang mentality of the protesters actively discourages open debate. The chair of Church Lench Parish Council knows full well that there are plenty of people in favour of the plans, or even not especially bothered either way. He perhaps knows that numerous residents are appalled by the behaviour of the protesters, which has turned several fence-sitters into supporters of the windfarm.

But he feels it's safe to pretend that the supporters are not there because, a) the supporters tend to be more civilised than the antis, and b) woe betide anyone in Church Lench who expresses an independent view.

These are just the sort of tactics that have led the government to consider changing the planning system. Protest groups like VVASP simply cannot be trusted. They exist to scare and intimidate those around them.

But the windfarm supporters will have their day. It is they who have the best interests of the country, and the countryside, at heart.

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