Monday, May 18, 2009


I guess it was bound to happen. The protesters are now threatening local supporters of the Lenchwick windfarm with physical violence.

One villager was warned (in a public place) that if he didn't keep his support for the proposal quiet, he'd receive an unwelcome visit.

Let's face it: the VVASP morons don't have an argument. If they did, they wouldn't have to resort to so many untruths about the wind turbines. But their willingness to make threats merely illustrates the fact that their opposition to the proposed wind farm is based not on sound and intelligent reasoning but on blind ignorance, prejudice, and a determination to force their neighbours to conform to their own sick, selfish, anti-social stance.

These are the people who claim to be trying to protect the countryside. In reality, they're only interested in protecting their own little exclusive haven (against what, one might ask), and are prepared to use menaces to force their more intelligent neighbours to join their gang or keep their heads down.

So - welcome to the Lenches, where fascism is alive and will soon be kicking.

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