Friday, May 22, 2009


No? Well, there's a couple in the Lenches who do.

Their second home is in Spain - and it's right next door to a wind farm.

They must be really hacked off at the prospect of living next door to one in England as well!

You'd think that, wouldn't you, especially if you've been swallowing VVASP's misleading propaganda hook, line and sinker.

So what does this couple think about the proposed Lenchwick Windfarm?


And they're sickened by the rubbish that VVASP and the numpties - sorry, nimbies - of the Lenches are spouting.

They KNOW that wind farms aren't noisy. They KNOW - because they live next to one!

VVASP has to keep brainwashing people into believing that wind farms are noisy because that's the only grounds for objection that might really count. It's vital to the interests of those at the heart of VVASP that you 'know' that windfarms are noisy, even though they're not.

People who've visited working wind farms know they're not noisy. People whose holiday homes are next to working wind farms know they're not noisy.

But their opinions don't count. If you're not perpetuating VVASP's self-serving myths, you're not allowed an opinion.

The couple with a wind farm on their Spanish doorstep consider the turbines 'ethereal'. Which is a nice, and rather appropriate, description, coming as it does from people who know what they're talking about, unlike their zombie neighbours in England.

There are several things to be said about the noise issue - including a close examination of the video which VVASP display on their website, and the unfortunate longterm consequences of the kind of dangerous propaganda the VVASP spew out at every available opportunity. We'll look at these issues in the next few postings.

But, for now, we can all rest assured. As I've stated elsewhere, those who have genuine experience of windfarms know just how badly the turbines are misrepresented by the self-serving VVASP nimbies.

Like the couple who live next door to one in Spain. Shame that Vale Villagers Against Scottish Power don't want you to hear from them, isn't it?

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