Monday, May 18, 2009


Just like some weird far-right political group, our local anti-windfarm protesters claim to be helping 'The Community' to make an 'informed decision' about the proposed turbines by lying their heads off about them.

Early on in all this nonsense, one of the local parish councils organised a straw poll of the residents' views about ScottishPower Renewables' wind farm proposal for Lenchwick. The parish councillors instantly came under fire from the more knuckle-headed, or politically motivated, protesters because the PC hadn't allowed the parishioners a chance to hear about these turbines from the protesters, yet.

In other words, a few demented locals were angry that the parish council canvassed the locals' opinions before the VVASP had got its mindless propaganda out!

So much for the truth in the matter. The VVASP, and doubtless other, similar groups of snarling nimbies all around the country, are strictly opposed to any local resident finding out about wind farms for themselves or - perish the thought - reaching their own carefullty considered conclusions. Rather, they trade in lies. Lies, lies, lies. Lies which have been proven, over and over again, up and down the country, to be lies.

But, as Adolf Hitler knew, all you have to do is to tell a Big Lie over and over again, and some nitwits will believe you.

Well, here's a more sober approach from someone in the Isle of Wight - they're facing the prospect of a wind farm in their area, but rather than going bonkers about it, shouting and screaming and forming little groups of hatred in order to spin lie after lie about them with no other end in mind but scaring friends and neighbours, someone had the common sense and good taste actually to go visit a wind farm. See what you think:

That's an example of how civilised people approach the prospect of a wind farm in their neighbourhood.

After the nonsense we've had to live through so far round our way, courtesy of the VVASP and its hoodlums, it's a joy to read.

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