Saturday, May 9, 2009


Very. Hugely. They're missing the point by miles.

Let's take the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB). Earlier this year, the respected wildlife charity reversed its opposition to wind farms and called for an end to the 'needless delays' over their construction (these 'needless delays' are, by and large, the work of self-serving idiots like VVASP).

Now, the RSPB has erected a wind turbine of its own at their Rainham Marshes visitor centre at Purfleet in Essex.

So, the morons who claim that wind turbines attack wildlife are flying in the face of what the RSPB is both saying and doing! Do they think they know better than the RSPB, or are they still swallowing the misleading and inaccurate propaganda of pressure groups like VVASP, which are putting their own members' self-interest ahead of the needs of wildlife, society, the community, the environment and the planet as a whole?

And how about the loony claims that wind turbines 'don't work'? One headcase recently wrote to the local paper, stating that 'several' European countries are dismantling their wind turbines for this very reason. Could the deluded correspondent name any of the countries doing this? No. Why? Because they don't exist.

Even the United States generated over 10% of its electricity last year from renewable sources, which can be compared with the slightly less than 12% it got from nuclear power. In fact, nuclear energy usage declined in the US in 2008 by 1%, while renewable energy usage increased by 5%. Experts all over the world are recognising that nuclear power is not going to be the answer - it's too expensive, too dangerous, too vulnerable. In the meantime, Spain has been producing up to 40% of its electricity from windfarms, and in parts of northern Germany, windfarms produced a surplus of electricity in 2008.

Neither of those countries has anything like the UK's wind resources. The British Wind Energy Association has noted that so much wind passes over the UK that it could easily be harnessed to generate several times our electricity needs.

Out there in the real world, away from the Lenches with their surplus of village idiots, the green revolution is advancing apace. Yes, EVEN IN AMERICA!!! Proof that so many of the concerns voiced by anti-windfarm protesters are unfounded - are, indeed, downright lies promulgated by people who really should know better - is continually coming to light. Wind turbines are becoming more and more efficient, thanks to improvements in design, and anyone who thinks they're noisy is just displaying their woeful ignorance of the truth. They are harnessing more and more wind energy to create vital electricity far more cheaply and cleanly than any other resource. They are, in short, the future, and even erstwhile opponents, like the RSPB, have wised up and embraced this fantastic science.

Remember: wind farms do NOT harm wildlife. Anti-windfarm protesters do.

But then, they're living in the past, and doing their utmost to return us all to the Dark Ages.

Don't listen to them. Their narrow-minded self-interest and stupidly mistaken ideas are holding us all back. Listen to the experts. Listen to the facts. VVASP and their dimwitted ilk are betraying all of us - and their children, and future generations, and the wildlife they claim to be fighting for. They are old news. They're completely out of touch, and they're wrong.

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