Wednesday, September 1, 2010


A resident of Church Lench summed it up succinctly last weekend. The problem with Church Lench, he said, was that one person will say, "Oh, well, I think this" and the next person will say, "Oh, yes, I think that as well", and on and on it goes. No capacity for independent thought.

Retrospectively, it can be seen that this is where certain individuals in the Lenches let the side down very badly. Inevitably, there would be an outbreak of idiocy the moment the proposed Lenchwick Windfarm was mentioned. Unavoidable, sad to say, because some people are dumb enough to read the Daily Mail and actually believe it (yes, incredible, I know) and a few others will just protest about anything, given half a chance.

There are those in the area who were in a position to stop the madness in its tracks. They could have put a halt to Dr Evil's lunatic crusade, insisted on a proper, intelligent, open debate (in which the mad myths promulgated by Dr Evil and his weirdo front would have been demolished) and, basically, they had the chance to put the interests of the community first, rather than the self-interest of a few deranged nutters.

But they didn't. No, instead they either joined in the madness or let the nimbies run riot while they kept their heads down.

Like certain Tory MPs, they mistook the shouting of some crazed, antisocial fanatics for the voice of the people.

They had a chance to prove that the Lenches could respond in a grown up manner to the windfarm issue, but they blew it. They let the nutters have things their way.

Well done, guys. You preferred lies to facts, cowardice to common sense, fraudulent dishonesty to free debate.

That won't be forgotten.

The same individual from Church Lench also pointed out what a dismal response the anti-windfarm faction managed when it came to submitting objections to the planning application. 400 so-called letters is abysmal. Even worse when you consider how many of those letters were actually written by the same person (step forward, Dr Evil, manic scribbler of preposterous gibberish).

Surely, the planning officers at Wychavon District Council will be able to spot the template letters - the drongos who sent them couldn't even be bothered to [insert number of years here] or decide which of the country pursuits/family activities/rural pastimes they would like to do if they ever figured out where the Lenches actually are.

True, there was plenty of guff about the turbines destroying wildlife, always accompanied by those insistent claims that this will 'certainly' happen, even though the evidence for it having happened elsewhere is ... well, er, no, actually, it isn't.

And that, dear friends, is the level of objection. Most of the so-called objections don't actually stand up. Others were made by people who claim to have friends or homes in the area when it is patently obvious that they don't. Some were submitted by locals, who failed to realise that Dr Stroud wanted you to create your own version of his daft letter, you inveterate nitwit!!! One was supplied by a university student who was so keen to show off his vocabulary that his letter made no sense whatsoever (something along the lines of, just because there's no evidence that something might happen, doesn't mean it won't happen - at least, that's the best we can do in deciphering the hifalutin nightmare of his pseudo-scientific missive).

The council officers aren't idiots, of course. They'll realise that 400 letters of objection, some of them completely phoney, some of them incoherent and at least half of them penned by the same hand (that being the hand of the arch-deceiver and self-appointed village chief), 400 letters of that dire standard is a pathetic result for the nimbies - especially when they were loudly proclaiming their intention of cobbling together upwards of 1,000!

Put it this way - for all their lies, all their money, all their pomposity and self-righteousness, VVASP have failed. Dismally.

Just as they failed to protest properly when the ScottishPower Renewable supertruck passed through the villages. Our information is that the vehicle travelled along its designated route approximately two hours after the nimby fools wandered off, having been completely wrongfooted by the appearance of a somewhat smaller low-loader.

Which just goes to show that VVASP are up against people who are far cleverer than they are. And that their protest is pants.

And remember - there were those in the villages who could have put a stop to all this insanity right at the very start. They could have.

But they didn't.

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