Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Did you know that it takes 2400 wind turbines costing £200,000,000 EACH to produce the same amount of power as one nuclear power station?

You didn't? Shame on you.

It's absolute nonsense, of course. Pure drivel, plain and simple. But it's just one of the latest loopy communications sent to Wychavon by yet another narrow-minded anti-windfarm nimby.

Even if the turbines were made out of cut diamonds it is unlikely that they would cost £200,000,000 EACH. And, of course, they still wouldn't present us with the monumental problems which come with nuclear power, such as the disposal of hazardous waste (still no one knows how to safeguard it for more than a hundred years or so), and the nasty nimbies always ignore the fact that NUCLEAR POWER STATIONS NEED BASE LOAD BACK UP POWER SOURCES JUST LIKE WIND TURBINES DO. No, they never take into account the fact that nuclear power stations frequently go offline for safety reasons, leaving the National Grid with the problem of compensating for the sudden massive loss of energy input. And yet the National Grid somehow manages - just as it will manage fine when the odd turbine isn't turning.

So, yet another nimby nutter spills bilge all over the place while they froth at the mouth over something they simply don't understand.

Now - how about some good news, for a change? On Monday 6th September, a new record was set for wind-generated electricity in the UK. On that day, 5% of our electricity needs was generated by wind turbines. Not bad, eh, especially when you consider that wind turbines don't work (one of VVASP's stupid 'FACTS') and that they cost a whopping £200,000,000 EACH (which they don't).

What with all the loony hoo-hah over windfarms it's a miracle that any have been built. Scotland, where people tend to be rather more sensible, has quite a few windfarms these days, which explains why record-breaking amounts of wind-generated electricity are becoming available to the Grid. And in Scotland, they're smart enough to realise that tourism is not affected by the presence of windfarms, and that even the view from Stirling Castle can be enhanced (or at least not harmed in any real way) by a nice clean windfarm or two.

Sadly, though, those of us who must share our neighbourhood with petty-minded English people - those who prefer nonsensical fictions to genuine facts - have to live through the madness and hysteria stoked up by irresponsible nookies.

Example of nimby gibberish - wind turbines cost £200,000,000 EACH and don't really work.

Example of genuine, honest, simple truth - the UK is already generating up to 5% of our energy needs from clean, green, renewable, inoffensive and harmless wind turbines.

One day, surely, even the most mindless of the nimbies will start to tire of their own lies.

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