Friday, September 3, 2010


When, not so long ago, Dr Evil was trying to persuade other nimby nutters around the country to object to our windfarm (using, of course, the Dr Stroud Do-It-Yourself Guide to Objecting), one thing he was very keen to emphasise was that about 100 homes would be a kilometre or so from the turbines, as would a primary school.

The latter point was one he was very eager to stress. There will be a PRIMARY SCHOOL about a kilometre from the turbines. A primary school.

Now, is that relevant? The simple truth is that the children and staff at the school will be completely unaffected by the windfarm. It is an act of monstrous social terrorism to pretend otherwise.

Scientifically, what harm could possibly come to them? Seriously, if we put aside the kind of madness which allows Dr Evil to make his absurd claims and look at this sensibly - what, realistically, is the existence of the turbines a kilometre and more away going to mean for the school?

Well, there'd be good news. Access to funding. Some interesting views. The opportunity to visit the turbines (and hold competitions to name them). Most importantly, of course, the children who attend Church Lench First School will grow up familiar with the clean, green energy generating methods which are the future for us all. They will have an advantage that most of their peers won't have - an awareness of what 21st century eco-technology means for us all. No harm to wildlife or property prices, no risks to health or peace of mind. Each day, they will have an object lesson in how we need to live.

Now, if Dr Evil and his mad minions cared for the children at all - that is, if they were capable of caring about anything but themselves - they'd have left the primary school out of this. Because it's irrelevant (in fact, the children will benefit from the windfarm, as will most if not all of us), and because raising the spectre of "untold imaginary harm to little ones" is just plain sick.

But the nimby terrorists of VVASP and their ilk don't care about children at all. It is, of course, the children who stand to benefit most from the windfarm and others like it - it's their future, after all, that is being safeguarded by these marvellous machines.

What Stroud and all his Mini-Me-Me-Me's are doing when they say "And it'll be close to a primary school" is proving how little they really care about the kids. Proving that this is all about a bunch of deranged nimby nutters who will say anything - ANYTHING - if it wins them an iota of support. Who don't give a damn about the children who will benefit from the windfarm but who want to raise fears (groundless, unnecessary, foolish fears) about safety just because it suits their own selfish purposes.

When you realise that this is the sort of thing that has been running riot around the Lenches for nearly two years now, and once you appreciate that supposedly right-minded members of the community are prepared to stoop this low, then you can see why Wind of Change came into existence. It's to highlight this kind of disgusting, disgraceful, utterly immoral behaviour, and to fight the bad Doctor and his madness all the way.

People who make out that there will be dangers to a primary school when they clearly don't care at all about the children there are ... well, what are they? You tell me.

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