Wednesday, February 17, 2010


One of the initial reasons for this blog was the urge to find the facts, the actual reality, about windfarms and to investigate the crazier claims being made by the antis (VVASP).

You see, it's a lot quicker to make up a lie than it is to go and find out (and then explain) the truth.

Besides which, the truth - the facts of the matter - are of no help whatsoever to Vale Villagers Against Scottish Power, so they have to make things up or distribute the propaganda of some other looney-tune anti-windfarm group and pass it off as 'fact'.

Ah, yes - that awkward word. 'FACT'. I think we all agree basically what is meant by a 'FACT'. But apparently, not VVASP. To them, a 'FACT' is an opinion, a rogue statistic or a terrifying thought wrapped up in bogus scientific language in order to fool the unwary.

Certain of these 'facts' were published by VVASP in a leaflet drop at the very start of their anti-social campaign. The same made-up 'facts' were published in their October '09 newsletter.

They should have been more careful, because there is an independent body known as the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) which looks into this sort of thing.

To read the ASA's full report and ruling on VVASP's dodgy facts, published today, just follow the link:

Here's the proof, folks. VVASP have been misleading you. They have breached the Code of Advertising Practice guidelines on Substantiation and Truthfulness.

We need never trust another word they say.

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