Monday, February 22, 2010


No sooner has the ASA ruling been published, forbidding VVASP from spreading ill-informed rumours and dangerous misrepresentations of the evidence regarding windfarms, than the said VVASP publishes its latest newsletter pretending that they know better than the ASA!

Citing their 'experts' repeatedly - these are the very same experts whose work was dismissed by the ASA as either poor quality or somewhat misquoted - VVASP are blustering away that their evidence is good and the ASA were wrong to throw it out.

So, we're down to an argument about how good the evidence is. An independent investigation concluded that the laughable 'evidence' the VVASP were relying on was rubbish. VVASP say it's good. Stalemate, then.

Of course not. Some liars are pretending that the misleading quotes and dodgy, biased 'evidence' they've been telling everyone about was actually real science.

Or, put it another. They've been lying to their neighbours, and now the word is out: THEY WERE LYING ALL ALONG. And boy, are they annoyed. So now they're running around, whining to the very villagers they lied to and claiming that they weren't telling lies - no, absolutely everybody else in the world is!

Well, for a group that pretends to be offering comprehensive information about windfarms to the locals, they certainly are guilty of leaving out an awful lot of information. All the good stuff about wind farms, for example - the recent studies which point out that wind turbines cannot possibly cause the kind of ridiculous symptoms claimed by VVASP, and that house prices are not affected by the proximity of turbines.

Here's the standard of VVASP's science: they reckon that it stands to reason that a house near a turbine would cost less than one further away. That's not science. That's guesswork, based on their own prejudices. A huge study conducted in the United States revealed the very opposite: house prices go up faster near turbines than further away. So, as usual, VVASP wrap a prejudice up in a 'quote', call it a 'fact', and then scream blue murder when you point out that it's nonsense.

They lie. They cover up good quality information. They mislead those poor fools who pause to listen to them. And then they run around citing biased studies and low quality research when an independent organisation points out that they've been misleading people.

Honestly, no shame, these people. No shame at all.

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