Friday, February 19, 2010


The problem with telling a lie is that you tend to end up telling another one, and then another, and then another, all the time trying to cover up the fact that you started off by telling a lie.

VVASP has moved into Desperate Damage Limitation Mode. They're now saying some really dumb things, like 'The evidence [for windfarms damaging your brain/bank balance] may not have convinced the ASA, but the evidence exists.'

Now, here's the point. If that evidence had existed, the ASA would have considered it. And, having considered it, if the ASA felt that the nimby nutters had a point, their ruling would have reflected that.

But no, say the nookies. 'Someone in the ASA has an interest in windfarms.'


Oh, dear. VVASP really are desperate. That is an alarming rumour to spread (well, that's VVASP for you) and a dangerous charge to make. What they're implying is that the ASA ruling was not objective or independent.

That, my friends, is a base slander on the part of VVASP.

When the Advertising Standards Authority received the complaints about VVASP literature, they first had to decide whether or not there was a case to investigate. They then contacted VVASP for their explanation, reasons and evidence.

VVASP supplied the rubbish 'evidence' they consider 'facts' to the ASA. ASA officers studied this and drafted a ruling, which was then sent to the VVASP for comments. If VVASP felt that the draft ruling contained inaccuracies, or there was additional evidence to be considered, they then had another opportunity to state their case.

The ruling, along with the evidence, was then submitted to the independent ASA council, who accepted the ruling as was and determined that VVASP had broken the rules on Substantiation and Truthfulness.

That is, the VVASP had been making extraordinary claims that they simply could not back up. Their so-called science was trash. They had cherrypicked a few bits of 'bad news' and lied about everything else. They were misleading and misinforming the public.

Now VVASP are desperately trying to claim that the ASA judgement was wrong. They had their chance, but the evidence (i.e. REAL evidence) to support their idiotic claims does not exist. A great deal of reliable evidence which undermines their stupid claims does exist.

So, all that VVASP can do now is pretend that the ASA is biased.

But didn't Mr VVasp say that a complaint to the ASA about ScottishPower Renewables had been upheld? He did say that, didn't he? So the ASA isn't biased at all.

A warning to people of decency: don't talk to the nimbies. They're deranged.

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