Monday, August 10, 2009


Okay - things are pretty quiet out there, at the moment.

All sorts of questions are being asked about the so-called 'Windfarm Working Party' and its mission to use other people's money on the VVASP's anti-windfarm cause. So, with any luck, those parish councils who willingly participated in that gross misuse of public money have shot themselves in the foot. Now their prejudiced, ill-considered and, frankly, somewhat bonkers opposition to the proposed Lenchwick Windfarm is fairly common knowledge, and maybe their grasping-at-straws objections to the planning application, when it arrives, can be justifiably ignored by the district council planning committee.

In other words, a textbook example of how not to mount an anti campaign. Let's hope that Peter Luff MP, in his quiet little meetings with the local nookies, didn't suggest this course of action.

BUT ...

The war is not yet over. There are plenty of us who would welcome the windfarm. But I think we can be fairly confident that the arrival of the planning application for the windfarm will simply set off a whole new round of lies and myths and arrant nonsense from those who wish to 'protect' their little patch of countryside against anything they haven't bought themselves.

So we need to start thinking. Friends, we need to give some thought to a co-ordinated 'YES' campaign.

We have heard no end of huffing and puffing from the nimbies. We have seen their signs posted around the Lenches, occasionally on their own property. We have seen how unreasonable some of these people can be. We have, perhaps, even seen friends - usually people of sense and sound judgement - terrified by the VVASP's lies into supporting the protest.

We, who are in favour of renewable energy - not just 'somewhere else' but where it can really do some good - need to be ready to make our own principled stand.

We must prepare ourselves for the time when we should be making our views known.

This may take a little while to achieve. But I am now going to ask all of you who have been keeping an eye on this blog, and who support the windfarm proposals, to get in touch via the email address.

Let me know if you would be prepared to take part in an active 'YES' campaign when the time is right.

It will simply be a case of standing up and being counted. We need to establish the fact that the nookies are NOT the majority locally. They may be louder and more aggressive than the supporters of the windfarm, but they do not reflect the will of the people.

So please, my friends - drop me a line.

Would you join a 'YES' campaign?

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