Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Remember the strange case of the appearing-disappearing placards of Sheriffs Lench?

Well, it's all become clear, now.

Peter Luff MP was visiting a homestead in Sheriffs Lench to listen to the 'concerns' of residents.

And if you want to see just how many residents gathered to voice their concerns, go to VVASP's website.

Oh, but the MP was coming! Which is why nine '2km- OK' placards suddenly appeared along the roadside in Sheriffs Lench, only to be taken away as soon as the MP had gone.

Now, Peter Luff is no fool. He's even described the protesters' reactions to the proposed windfarm as 'overly dramatic'. Of course, he has to listen to these whinging nimbies - that's his job. And an awkward squad like that, even though they are far from representative of the people, can make life very difficult for an MP.

But he's not an idiot. Do you think he realised that he was the victim of a typical VVASP hoax? Do you think he expected to see more people there? Maybe he guessed that the placards had been erected purely for his benefit.

Accurate information and VVASP don't even have a nodding acquaintance with each other. Their website gives contact details for local parish council chairs - and it's woefully out of date.

They want you to appreciate how big the turbines will be, so they direct you to a website showing an open day at Burtonwold Windfarm. Loads of people having a great time. You see, that's the VVASP's problem - they're so blind, so incapable of looking beyond their own prejudices, that they see a large turbine, when what everybody else sees is a lot of happy people.

It's also most likely that, deep down, Peter Luff acknowledges the stupidity of the '2km - OK' campaign. It's not based on any science, or the situation in any other European country. It's just VVASP making things up again.

So - having seen the strength of local opposition, with - ooh - one or two people from Sheriffs Lench bothering to meet him, Peter Luff probably went home shaking his head and thinking, 'Who the hell are these people?'

They're the kind of people who hate to see the happy, smiling faces that you'll find on the Burtonwold Windfarm site.

The kind of people who think they own the countryside, even though they only arrived yesterday.

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