Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Funny, isn't it?

The hardcore of the anti-windfarm protest may be determined to fight the plans for Lenchwick Windfarm tooth and nail, but they're quite happy to put in their own applications for planning permission - and they don't have ScottishPower Renewables' interest in telling the truth, either.

There is a clear overlap between the Lenches Sports Club and the anti-windfarm protest. This is what split the village of Church Lench when the windfarm was first mooted. Not only could most of the village old guard see the sense in the windfarm, but when the rowdy yahoos of the Sports Club got on their high horses, the old guard simply remembered who it was who'd blighted their outlooks with a more or less redundant sports field and unsightly nets. So - Sports Club all in favour of building what they want (regardless of what others think) but strongly opposed to sensible, social, green energy measures. The old-timers - no problems with wind energy and a working countryside, but a big problem with the kind of arrogant arses who insist that what they want (i.e., a sports field) is what the village wants, so you're having one, like it or not.

Quietly, the Sports Club has submitted another planning application. These people want a bigger sports field, with more nets. And they want permission to remove a hedge.

Actually, they've already removed that hedge. They're just assuming that the planning officers will let them do exactly what they want because that's what they've got used to. They expect to have their way, and when there's a chance that they won't - as with the windfarm issue - then they throw a tantrum.

So they're putting in for planning permission. For something they've already done. They don't want a windfarm for everyone. They want bigger sports facilities for themselves. And bugger the neighbours.

But there are rumours of another planning application ...

These people, let's remember, didn't want the anenometer (wind-measuring) masts erected temporarily because they might be 'quite visible' from somewhere. In fact, they're not - certainly not as visible as the Sports Club's huge ugly netting and floodlights, but hey, it's all a matter of perspective, isn't it? I mean, who are we to argue with these people? They've decided they want floodlights, nets and more tarmac, so that's what we get. They don't want a couple of needle-thin, hard-to-spot anenometers set up because ... well, because it wasn't their idea, that's why.

Except now, sources inform me, they DO want a couple of anenometers. They want to erect two of their own!

Why would they want to do this? The only reason can be to try and find some tiny, tiny discrepancy between their figures and the data gathered by consultants working for ScottishPower Renewables.

After all, they didn't want these masts a few months ago. But now, it would seem, they're putting in for planning permission to erect two of their own. They're desperately, stupidly, mindlessly trying to replicate everything SPR are doing in the hope - vague, vain, silly hope - that they'll get different results.

Wind-measuring, background noise monitoring ... they're probably planning on commissioning their own surveys of birds and bats in the area, presumably on the grounds that the National Trust, CPRE and the RSPB cannot be trusted.

But who's going to be paying for this lunatic copy-cat behaviour? Who's going to be paying for the extra (and belated) wind-measuring equipment? Who's covering the cost of all this futile effort and huge waste of money?

Yes - you guessed it. We are. All of us. It's your parish council tax money that is paying for all this, whether you live in Church Lench, Norton and Lenchwick, Harvington ...

While we wait for the Audit Commission to let us know whether or not what these selfish fools are up to is entirely legal - spending YOUR money on THEIR idiocy - we might just pause to consider the kind of people who are behind all this.

The kind that tear up a hedge and then apply for planning permission to remove it.

The kind that erect banners (on council land) when the MP is visiting and then quickly remove them immediately afterwards.

The kind that make sure they get what they want, regardless of the costs to others, and fight dirty against what they don't want, regardless of the benefits.

The kind that lie to their friends, try to scare their neighbours, and bully anyone who disagrees with them.

The kind that have no problem at all with green energy - unless it might be a little bit near them.

The kind that is entirely without scruple or honesty.

That's the kind of evil we're up against.

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