Sunday, February 13, 2011


Wychavon District Council has published its latest keeping-you-in-touch brochure, which includes some revealing poll results.

Worcestershire Viewpoint, a "citizens panel partnership", has taken some soundings. An amazing 71% of respondents support the idea of "large-scale regeneration of renewable energy". This will no doubt be music to the ears of those notable pro-renewables campaigners in VVASP, who are wholeheartedly in favour of renewables, as long as they're somebody else's problem.

Hydro-electric power schemes seem particular popular in Worcestershire, with 67% of respondents indicating support for such ventures. Wind power comes in second, at 57%.

Now that's interesting: 57% of Worcestershire residents in favour of windfarms. Why? Because a poll conducted by Church Lench Parish Council in 2009 revealed that 57% of households in Church Lench were against the idea of a windfarm where they might be able to see it.

Initially, VVASP were wholly opposed to the poll being carried out. When the results came in, they changed their tune. Basically, they altered the outcome and trumpeted an illusory "82% of residents" as being against the windfarm proposals. That same falsified figure was quoted by Karen Lumley MP in her speech to the Wychavon District Council planning committee.

So, by the same token, we would be justified in issuing a press release stating that 82% of Worcestershire residents want windfarms. It wouldn't be true, of course, which is why we won't be doing it. Because we're not VVASP.

Still, 57% in favour is pretty good. It's a clear majority. And, interestingly, 61% of respondents to the Worcestershire Viewpoint survey agreed that "more consultation would lead to greater acceptance of large-scale renewable energy". This is another point made repeatedly by BLoW and Wind of Change - if the local authorities had bothered to inform and educate residents about the benefits of wind power, VVASP wouldn't have been able to tell so many lies with near impunity.

Overall, then, it seems that Worcestershire would be happy to see some decent renewable projects happening here. Which would be a good thing, as the West Midlands is currently rather bereft of them. The red-faced, swivel-eyed, snorty-nostrilled nimbies really do seem to be of the belief that less attractive parts of the country - like Cornwall, Wales, the Scottish Highlands and the Lake District - should be providing them with electricity so that they can gaze out over their uniquely picturesque landscape without having to worry about what's making the lights work.

But what, one wonders, will the District Councillors of Wychavon make of these poll results? Will they argue (as they did over their visit to Burtonwold Windfarm) that they're not comparing "like with like", and that it doesn't matter how many ordinary people want windfarms - if the misguided numpties of Lenchland say "No", then that's that?

Or will they admit that they voted, almost unanimously, against the interests of everybody except for a handful of proven liars?

Have we really reached the point where the will of the people is of absolutely no relevance whatsoever, compared with the belligerence of a selfish and intolerant fringe?

Maybe so. It's called the Big Society.

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