Tuesday, February 8, 2011


At the planning meeting the other week, certain District Councillors were very unhappy to hear about the intimidation, abuse and divisive tactics deployed by our local anti-windfarm bunch. No doubt, this was because the nimbies had fallen back on their "Everso Humble" routine when dealing with decision-makers, reserving their spite and aggression for those in the immediate area who did not agree with them.

Well, since then, the ugly face of VVASP has revealed itself. The only Councillor to speak and vote in favour of the windfarm received a glut of angry emails, accusing her of voting "against policy" (what policy was this, then? The "agree with VVASP or else" policy?)

A member of BLoW (Back Local Windfarms) who also spoke in favour of the proposed Lenchwick Windfarm received a barely-literate letter, scrawled by somebody with issues. With typical nimby cowardice, this letter was anonymous.


Now you have LOST the 2 1/2 year campaign for WINDFARMS (MOSTLY AT TAX-PAYERS EXPENSE) i.e. 15-1 against pretty unanimous I would say.
Perhaps you could now come back into the real world & show more RESPECT & CONSIDERATION for your fellow citizens.
Why not start cycling round our beautiful countryside? (Which you tried to SPOIL) ...
As for any appeal, forget it (NO CHANCE).

This bizarre missive came with a couple of cuttings from the Daily Express - a paper aimed at those who are still fighting the Second World War (look out for the inevitable forthcoming headline, "PRINCESS DI KILLED BY WIND TURBINE")

The Express, in its gaga wisdom, quoted both the Country Guardian and the Renewable Energy Foundation. The first campaigns nationally against windfarms and has tried to bury its links to the nuclear lobby. The second is funded entirely by private donations (oh?) and claims to be campaigning for renewables while consistently publishing anti-windfarm propaganda and trying to alter the Renewable Obligation Certificates (the only actual subsidy available for renewable projects).

So, basically, two fanatical anti-wind power groups are quoted as "proof" that windfarms don't work. This is clearly evidence enough for our anonymous letter writer who doesn't care much about research, common sense or civilised behaviour.

And today, www.businessgreen.com has published an interesting article which elevates the whole Lenchwick campaign onto the national stage. The piece examines whether or not the laughable "Windfarm Working Party" did set out to discover "impartial" information about windfarms or whether it was really designed to work alongside VVASP and to use its large doses of public money in battling the proposed windfarm and whispering sweet nonsense into the ears of local councillors.

As the article makes clear, this is the sort of narrow-minded buffoonery we can expect to see a great deal more of if Pickles, the coalition government's Fat Controller, gets his way over the Decentralisation and Localism Bill. Basically, in the appalling event of that stupid law being passed, nimby groups around the country can derail progress and make sure that the views of the majority are ignored (just like at Lenchwick, then).

None of this makes Lenchwick look very good to an impartial outsider. The District Councillors might, in the main, have been fooled by VVASP's act and its outrageously misleading false evidence, but the rest of the country might be beginning to get a glimpse at what really went on in the Lenchwick area - the flagrant abuse of local democratic institutions and tax-payers' money by deranged nimbies who can't see beyond their own narrow, short-term interest.

Well, if the nutters can quote Country Guardian (the shady group that advised them to call themselves "pro-renewables") and the Renewable Energy Foundation (which doesn't really like renewables), Wind of Change can quote Maria McCaffery MBE, Chief Executive of RenewableUK (an industry body that does have the best interests of the UK in mind):

"Perhaps the reason Nimbyism has a reputation for social irresponsibility and shortsightedness is precisely because it neglects the pressing demands of energy security, economic growth and climate change in favour of a narrow and particular self interest."

Taking issue with Alexander Chancellor's somewhat gormless piece in The Guardian - the proposed windfarm which Chancellor has an irrational grudge against would be THREE MILES away from his government-restored stately piles ... so where does that leave the "2km OK" argument?? - McCaffery argues that the problem with nimbyism "is not that it is politically incorrect. The problem is that it does not offer solutions. It says no at a time when we need yes. We need energy from renewables, and we need jobs. Wind can deliver both."

And she signs off with a P.S.:

"Oh, and by the way, windfarms do not spook horses - this is just another myth."

We seem, then, to be stuck in a vicious rut. Nimbies pose as concerned residents when, in reality, they are simply pursuing a kneejerk right-wing agenda, supported by shady groups funded by private donations and dedicated to helping out the failing nuclear industry, and they rely entirely on myths and lies in order to promote their mindlessly irresponsible agenda. Local Councillors are hoodwinked. The UK (with the noble exception of Scotland) falls ever further behind.

And even when they win, the nimbies bare their fangs and attack those who have an eye on the future, a sense of patriotism and a heartfelt concern for others.

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