Thursday, January 13, 2011


If Limbo Dancing were an Olympic sport, you'd be forgiven for thinking that VVASP were in training for London 2012.

Now they're exploring whole new levels of lowness. Extraordinary subterranean depths. They have scraped through the bottom of the barrel and are frantically scrabbling in the earth with their ravaged fingertips.

Regular readers of this blog will be astonished to hear that the protesters have excelled on their previous efforts by visiting strata that few have ever plummeted towards. Or maybe not.

A full-page ad in today's Evesham Journal calls on the people of the Vale to rise up, march on the Council's offices and stand there threatening the elected members of the District Council until they obey VVASP's orders without question.

That's right. Having bullied and threatened and harassed and attacked and hectored and coerced their neighbours, VVASP are now trying to do the same to the Development Control Committee.

In a maniacal attempt at stirring up public panic, VVASP's latest claim is that "5000 trucks" will pass through Norton and Harvington, carrying concrete up to Bishampton Bank.

Forget the fact that haulage companies already operate out of the Lenches. Forget the fact that new houses built in Harvington mean that lorries carrying far more in the way of building materials than the windfarm will ever need have been passing through the village for years. And forget the fact that "5000 trucks" is a figure plucked out of thin air.

Oh - and you might as well forget the fact that when ScottishPower Renewables did a test-run of a low-loader to the windfarm site and back last summer, nobody noticed.

Blatantly, by lying their heads off (again!) VVASP are hoping to whip up a frenzy of mindless hysteria which they can then unleash against Wychavon District Council on the 27th.

Didn't we tell you that the nimbies are growing desperate? Doesn't this prove their absolute contempt for democratic principles, their preference for mob-rule instead of free speech, and their failure to win the argument (even after a torrent of lies), so that all they have left to try is the shameless intimidation of the planning committee.

The thugs and frauds are trying to make out that everybody in the Vale will find their "way of life" changed when five wind turbines appear at the top of Bishampton Bank. What the hell is that supposed to mean?

What they mean, of course, is that a handful of arrogant and aggressive individuals will be able to see a windfarm if they face in a certain direction. Hardly a change to the "way of life" of anybody in the Vale. And when they call on local people to "protect" their "way of life" by storming the Council offices on 27 January, what VVASP are really saying is - "Come on, all you who won't be remotely affected by this wonderful development - come and fight for our privileges! Come and defend our immoral, antisocial behaviour! Come and terrorise your councillors over something we've continually lied to you about! Come and help us overthrow democracy!

"And then we'll tell you what you can and cannot do or say or think in your own villages!!

"Altogether, now:


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