Friday, August 6, 2010


Ha! A surprising number of people seem to have submitted pretty much the same letter of "objection" to Wychavon over the planning application.

Hysterically, a great many of these people have "made friends who live in Ab Lench" and they enjoy "spending time in the area" because it is a "great place to ramble/walk the dog/take my son to see the cows/cycle or just take a tipple of something cold in the gardens whilst enjoying the views, the wildlife and the peace and quiet."

It seems that none of these people (who quite clearly have never been anywhere near the Lenches) can quite decide what it is they would actually be doing in the Lenches if they ever did bump into the friends they claim to have made in Ab Lench. But they are all experts in wildlife - "I can see bats, brown hares, badgers, deer, woodpeckers, and all manner of birds" and, even though they live nowhere near the Lenches, they can also "hear cuckoos in the woods nearby."

What's happened, of course, is that a large number of carbon-copy VVASP-approved letters have been submitted, some from anti-wind farm campaigners elsewhere in the country, and some (quite possibly, such is the nature of nimbyism) from people who might not actually exist.

They all agree with the tiresome VVASP hogwash about the turbines being "too close, too big, too noisy" and that they will "totally ruin the area" - an area, we should recall, which these people actually know nothing about.

Does anyone detect the palsied hand of the King of Nimby Madness behind all this? Has he attempted poetry, with all that yucky codswallop about taking a tipple of something cold in the garden?

Can all of these obscure people from around the country really enjoy a drink in the Lenches Club when they happen to be staying in an area they've never heard of? Were they all identically "horrified" to see the predicted view which shows "5 turbines dominating the view from the club lounge and patio"?

I guess they all feel that serving a tennis ball will be absolutely impossible on the tennis courts if our lovely windfarm goes ahead, although they declined to mention this, probably because Stroud wanted the honour of passing that particular nugget of nonsense onto the council himself.

Oh, well, Dr Fraud strikes again, eh? How many of these letters and faxes has he foisted onto the hardworking officers of Wychavon? Who knows? But they're bound to smell a rat when they notice how many people around the country all happen to have made the same friends in Ab Lench and to repeat the same words as Stroud told them to.

Oh, they'll smell a rat, all right. The same rat who told his fellow nimby nitwits around the country that the Wychavon planning officer is "biased". The same rat who repeatedly published lunatic claims about the windfarm which the independent advertising regulators slammed for being untruthful and unsubstantiated.

The rat who will one day answer for all the distress and insanity he has caused in the Lenches with his crazy lies and overblown self-importance.

(PS: would anyone care to explain why so many copies of Dr Rod Stroud's various letters of objection have been submitted by individuals with Indian names? Including a Mrs J. Patel, whose letter of 20/7/2010 is strangely similar to Stroud's umpteenth letter of objection, while the ludicrous prose poem about making friends in Ab Lench and hearing cuckoos in the woods nearby was faxed in by, among others, a V. Landa and an S. Singh and posted separately by a Pam Kaur - all these people, incidentally, live in different parts of the country.)

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